Class "Sprite"⚓︎
Content Overview
Return value | Function |
Sprite | Sprite ( )⚓︎ |
string | GetAnimation ( )⚓︎ |
string | GetDefaultAnimation ( )⚓︎ |
string | GetDefaultAnimationName ( )⚓︎ |
string | GetFilename ( )⚓︎ |
int | GetFrame ( )⚓︎ |
int | GetLayerCount ( )⚓︎ |
string | GetOverlayAnimation ( )⚓︎ |
int | GetOverlayFrame ( )⚓︎ |
KColor | GetTexel ( Vector SamplePos, Vector RenderPos, float AlphaThreshold, int LayerID = 0 )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsEventTriggered ( string EventName )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsFinished ( string AnimationName )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsLoaded ( )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsOverlayFinished ( string AnimationName )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsOverlayPlaying ( string AnimationName )⚓︎ |
boolean | IsPlaying ( string AnimationName )⚓︎ |
void | Load ( string ANM2Path, boolean LoadGraphics )⚓︎ |
void | LoadGraphics ( )⚓︎ |
void | Play ( string AnimationName, boolean Force )⚓︎ |
void | PlayOverlay ( string AnimationName, boolean Force )⚓︎ |
void | PlayRandom ( int Seed )⚓︎ |
void | Reload ( )⚓︎ |
void | RemoveOverlay ( )⚓︎ |
void | Render ( Vector Position, Vector Vector TopLeftClamp = Vector.Zero, Vector BottomRightClamp = Vector.Zero )⚓︎ |
void | RenderLayer ( int LayerId, Vector Position, Vector TopLeftClamp = Vector.Zero, Vector BottomRightClamp = Vector.Zero )⚓︎ |
void | ReplaceSpritesheet ( int LayerId, string PngFilename )⚓︎ |
void | Reset ( )⚓︎ |
boolean | SetAnimation ( string AnimationName, boolean Reset = true )⚓︎ |
void | SetFrame ( int FrameNum )⚓︎ |
void | SetFrame ( string AnimationName, int FrameNum )⚓︎ |
void | SetLastFrame ( )⚓︎ |
void | SetLayerFrame ( int LayerId, int FrameNum )⚓︎ |
boolean | SetOverlayAnimation ( string AnimationName )⚓︎ |
void | SetOverlayFrame ( string AnimationName, int FrameNum )⚓︎ |
void | SetOverlayRenderPriority ( boolean RenderFirst )⚓︎ |
void | Stop ( )⚓︎ |
void | Update ( )⚓︎ |
boolean | WasEventTriggered ( string EventName )⚓︎ |
Color | Color⚓︎ |
boolean | FlipX⚓︎ |
boolean | FlipY⚓︎ |
Vector | Offset⚓︎ |
float | PlaybackSpeed⚓︎ |
float | Rotation⚓︎ |
Vector | Scale⚓︎ |
Sprite ()⚓︎
Sprite Sprite ( )⚓︎
GetAnimation ()⚓︎
string GetAnimation ( )⚓︎
Return the name of the currently playing animation.
GetDefaultAnimation ()⚓︎
string GetDefaultAnimation ( )⚓︎
Returns the DefaultAnimation
value from the currently loaded anm2 file.
This function seems to be the same as GetDefaultAnimationName()
Example Code
This code print the default animation name "WalkDown" of the player sprite.
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GetDefaultAnimationName ()⚓︎
string GetDefaultAnimationName ( )⚓︎
Returns the DefaultAnimation
value from the currently loaded anm2 file.
This function seems to be the same as GetDefaultAnimation()
Example Code
This code print the default animation name "WalkDown" of the player sprite.
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GetFilename ()⚓︎
string GetFilename ( )⚓︎
Returns the path to the anm2 file that is loaded on the sprite.
Example Code
This code print the .anm2 path of the player sprite.
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GetFrame ()⚓︎
int GetFrame ( )⚓︎
Returns the frame number of the animation that is currently being rendered.
GetLayerCount ()⚓︎
int GetLayerCount ( )⚓︎
Returns the number of layers in the anm2 file that is loaded on the sprite. All animations use the same amount of layers.
GetOverlayAnimation ()⚓︎
string GetOverlayAnimation ( )⚓︎
Returns the name of the currently playing overlay animation. (The overlay animation is an independent secondary animation that can be played at the same time as the normal animation.)
GetOverlayFrame ()⚓︎
int GetOverlayFrame ( )⚓︎
Returns the frame number of the overlay animation that is currently being rendered. (The overlay animation is an independent secondary animation that can be played at the same time as the normal animation.)
GetTexel ()⚓︎
KColor GetTexel ( Vector SamplePos, Vector RenderPos, float AlphaThreshold, int LayerID = 0 )⚓︎
Returns the color of the pixel of the sprite at the given sample position. RenderPos can be neglected and set to a null vector
IsEventTriggered ()⚓︎
boolean IsEventTriggered ( string EventName )⚓︎
IsFinished ()⚓︎
boolean IsFinished ( string AnimationName )⚓︎
IsLoaded ()⚓︎
boolean IsLoaded ( )⚓︎
IsOverlayFinished ()⚓︎
boolean IsOverlayFinished ( string AnimationName )⚓︎
IsOverlayPlaying ()⚓︎
boolean IsOverlayPlaying ( string AnimationName )⚓︎
IsPlaying ()⚓︎
boolean IsPlaying ( string AnimationName )⚓︎
Returns true/false depending on if the sprite is playing the provided animation name. Names are set in a given sprite's anm2 file.
Example Code
This code checks the name of the current animation ("Appear" and "Idle" are used by cards), then replaces its animations with ones loaded from a custom anm2 file called "Custom_Animations.anm2", which has the same animation names.
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Load ()⚓︎
void Load ( string ANM2Path, boolean LoadGraphics )⚓︎
Loads a given anm2 file. Each sprite must have an anm2 file loaded in order for it to display anything.
- ANM2Path - The path to the anm2 file that contains all of the animations for this sprite. This should be relative to the "resources" folder.
- LoadGraphics - Whether or not the
method is automatically called after the anm2 file is loaded.
Example Code
This code creates a new sprite object, loads an .anm2 file and renders it on the screen.
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LoadGraphics ()⚓︎
void LoadGraphics ( )⚓︎
Used to load the PNG files that are specified in the sprite's anm2. Typically, you would only call this method if you have previously passed false to the loadGraphics
argument of the Sprite.Load
method or you have called the Sprite.ReplaceSpritesheet
Example Code
This code creates a new sprite object and replaces the spritesheet of layer 0 of a sprite object with a different spritesheet.
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Play ()⚓︎
void Play ( string AnimationName, boolean Force )⚓︎
Starts executing the given animation, starting at frame 0. After calling this method, you must call the Sprite.Update
method on every render frame in order to advance the animation to the next frame. (Typically, you would also check to see if the animation is finished by using the Sprite.IsFinished
Calling this method again will reset the current frame back to 0.
- Force - If true, the currently playing animation will be stopped, if any. If false, and there is already a currently playing animation, this method will do nothing and the current animation will continue to play.
Example Code
This code plays and renders a sprite.
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PlayOverlay ()⚓︎
void PlayOverlay ( string AnimationName, boolean Force )⚓︎
Starts executing the given overlay animation, starting at frame 0. (The overlay animation is an independent secondary animation that can be played at the same time as the normal animation.) After calling this method, you must call the Sprite.Update
method on every render frame in order to advance the animation to the next frame. (Typically, you would also check to see if the animation is finished by using the Sprite.IsOverlayFinished
Calling this function again will always reset the current overlay frame back to 0.
- Force - If true, the currently playing animation will be stopped, if any. If false, and there is already a currently playing animation, this method will do nothing and the current animation will continue to play.
Example Code
This code plays and renders an overlay sprite.
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PlayRandom ()⚓︎
void PlayRandom ( int Seed )⚓︎
Plays a random animation from the currently loaded anm2 file.
Reload ()⚓︎
void Reload ( )⚓︎
RemoveOverlay ()⚓︎
void RemoveOverlay ( )⚓︎
Render ()⚓︎
void Render ( Vector Position, Vector Vector TopLeftClamp = Vector.Zero, Vector BottomRightClamp = Vector.Zero )⚓︎
Renders the sprite object at a given screen position, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the screen.
In order for the sprite to be drawn, this function needs to be called on every render frame. (For example in the MC_POST_RENDER
TopLeftClamp and BottomRightClamp can be used to crop the sprite.
Example Code
This code renders a sprite.
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RenderLayer ()⚓︎
void RenderLayer ( int LayerId, Vector Position, Vector TopLeftClamp = Vector.Zero, Vector BottomRightClamp = Vector.Zero )⚓︎
Renders a specific layer of the sprite at a given screen position, where (0,0) is the top left corner of the screen.
This is similar to the Sprite.Render
method, but it will only render a specific layer of the sprite instead of all of the layers at once.
TopLeftClamp and BottomRightClamp can be used to crop the sprite.
Example Code
This code renders layer 3 of a sprite. Layer IDs in most cases start at index 0!
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ReplaceSpritesheet ()⚓︎
void ReplaceSpritesheet ( int LayerId, string PngFilename )⚓︎
Changes the ".png" file associated with a specific layer of a sprite.
After replacing a spritesheet, you must call the Sprite.LoadGraphics
method afterwards.
Example Code
This code creates a new sprite object and replaces the spritesheet of layer 0 of a sprite object with a different spritesheet.
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Reset ()⚓︎
void Reset ( )⚓︎
SetAnimation ()⚓︎
boolean SetAnimation ( string AnimationName, boolean Reset = true )⚓︎
Similar to the Sprite.Play
method, but does not start the animation.
- Reset - as false will continue the animation from the current frame. This is a really good tool for familiars that alternate between different FloatDirection animations dynamically and other entities that follow similar behaviors.
SetFrame ()⚓︎
void SetFrame ( int FrameNum )⚓︎
void SetFrame ( string AnimationName, int FrameNum )⚓︎
Changes the current animation to a specific frame.
Note that normally, you would use the Sprite.Update
method to automatically iterate the sprite's animation frame. Thus, this method is typically used for sprites that don't play animations.
The Sprite.SetFrame
method has two overloads: one which supports setting an animation at the same time, and one that uses the currently playing animation.
SetLastFrame ()⚓︎
void SetLastFrame ( )⚓︎
Sets the currently playing animation to be on its last frame.
SetLayerFrame ()⚓︎
void SetLayerFrame ( int LayerId, int FrameNum )⚓︎
SetOverlayAnimation ()⚓︎
boolean SetOverlayAnimation ( string AnimationName )⚓︎
SetOverlayFrame ()⚓︎
void SetOverlayFrame ( string AnimationName, int FrameNum )⚓︎
SetOverlayRenderPriority ()⚓︎
void SetOverlayRenderPriority ( boolean RenderFirst )⚓︎
Stop ()⚓︎
void Stop ( )⚓︎
Update ()⚓︎
void Update ( )⚓︎
Advances the currently playing animation by one frame.