Viewing Mod
External item descriptions
Displays item informations next to an item/trinket
Created 9 years ago

the mod displays an detailed description of the functionality of every Items & trinkets in the game. it also pushes pedestrial item appart in some rooms like devil rooms, shops or black markets to make the descriptions more readable.

  • Describing text next to all Items / Trinkets in the game
  • Icons that point out, if this Item is part of a Transformation
  • Display of chargeup time of active items
  • Better descriptions for Pills & Cards
  • Detailed Stat values next in the Description
  • More space between some items in almost all rooms

Images of the mod ingame:

This mod (ONLY: Rebirth and Afterbirth Version) despawns the restock machines in Shops due to unflexible modablility of the game. Im sorry for this inconvinience.

This Version is just a direct, unedited port from the Afterbirth files. Therefore some descriptions, chargetimes and Icons are not accurate.

Steam Version:

Github Version:


x 3664

- Removed ARG pieces

- Improved Hell

- Fixed RED things

- Added little rabbits

- Fixed minor compatibility issues with Linux systems.

- Fixed all shop rooms:

- -- now correct count of items

- -- removed restock machines due to lack of modding support for entity spawn rates

- fixed placement of shop items

- added "super bum" icon

- Fixed bug where shops only contained restock boxes

- added better descriptions to cards / runes

- renamed some afterbirth pills to better describe their usage


- ---- ???

- ---- Addicted

- ---- Infested!

- ---- Infested?

- ---- Percs

- ---- Re-Lax

- added alternative pocketitems.xml which removes the retro vision pill from the game.

- Mega blast description is now displayed correctly

- fixed readme for windows x64

- items and trinkets are further away from each other in:

- --- libaries

- --- crawlspaces / black market

- --- i am error rooms

- --- secret rooms

- --- rare mini rooms

- Fixed readme

- Added indicator for charging times of active items

- --- Spacing fixes:

- Inner Eye

- --- Spelling fixes:

- 004_cricketshead

- 066_the hourglass

- 093_thegame

- 108_thewafer

- 113_demonbaby

- 183_toothpicks

- Iron Bar

- Pandora's Box

- 268_rottenbaby

- 325_scissors

- 326_breathoflife

- 333_mind reads

- 367_stickybombs

- 373_deadeye reads

- 382_friendlyball

- 391_betrayal reads

- 398_godsflesh

- 409_emptyvessel

- 414_more options

- 425_nightlight

- trinket_019_paperclip

- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper

- trinket_073_blastingcap

- trinket_077_blister

- trinket_090_browncap

- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :

- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%

- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1

- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks

- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed

- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.

- 116_9volt also fully charges active item

- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one

- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears

- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)

- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage

- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3

- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting

- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura

- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms

- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage

- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.

- Shorter description for:

- Transcendence

- Picking shears

- The habit

- spirit of the night

- lord of the pit

- Mitre

- fate

- holy grail

- trinket_085_karma

- fixed charge indicator for dads key

- Added readme file

- Added indicator for charging times of active items

- --- Spacing fixes:

- Inner Eye

- --- Spelling fixes:

- 004_cricketshead

- 066_the hourglass

- 093_thegame

- 108_thewafer

- 113_demonbaby

- 183_toothpicks

- Iron Bar

- Pandora's Box

- 268_rottenbaby

- 325_scissors

- 326_breathoflife

- 333_mind reads

- 367_stickybombs

- 373_deadeye reads

- 382_friendlyball

- 391_betrayal reads

- 398_godsflesh

- 409_emptyvessel

- 414_more options

- 425_nightlight

- trinket_019_paperclip

- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper

- trinket_073_blastingcap

- trinket_077_blister

- trinket_090_browncap

- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :

- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%

- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1

- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks

- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed

- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.

- 116_9volt also fully charges active item

- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one

- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears

- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)

- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage

- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3

- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting

- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura

- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms

- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage

- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.

- Shorter description for:

- Transcendence

- Picking shears

- The habit

- spirit of the night

- lord of the pit

- Mitre

- fate

- holy grail

- trinket_085_karma

- Added Readme file

- Added indicator for charging times of active items

- --- Spacing fixes:

- Inner Eye

- --- Spelling fixes:

- 004_cricketshead

- 066_the hourglass

- 093_thegame

- 108_thewafer

- 113_demonbaby

- 183_toothpicks

- Iron Bar

- Pandora's Box

- 268_rottenbaby

- 325_scissors

- 326_breathoflife

- 333_mind reads

- 367_stickybombs

- 373_deadeye reads

- 382_friendlyball

- 391_betrayal reads

- 398_godsflesh

- 409_emptyvessel

- 414_more options

- 425_nightlight

- trinket_019_paperclip

- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper

- trinket_073_blastingcap

- trinket_077_blister

- trinket_090_browncap

- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :

- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%

- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1

- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks

- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed

- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.

- 116_9volt also fully charges active item

- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one

- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears

- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)

- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage

- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3

- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting

- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura

- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms

- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage

- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.

- Shorter description for:

- Transcendence

- Picking shears

- The habit

- spirit of the night

- lord of the pit

- Mitre

- fate

- holy grail

- trinket_085_karma

- Added Readme file

- Added indicator for charging times of active items

- --- Spacing fixes:

- Inner Eye

- --- Spelling fixes:

- 004_cricketshead

- 066_the hourglass

- 093_thegame

- 108_thewafer

- 113_demonbaby

- 183_toothpicks

- Iron Bar

- Pandora's Box

- 268_rottenbaby

- 325_scissors

- 326_breathoflife

- 333_mind reads

- 367_stickybombs

- 373_deadeye reads

- 382_friendlyball

- 391_betrayal reads

- 398_godsflesh

- 409_emptyvessel

- 414_more options

- 425_nightlight

- trinket_019_paperclip

- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper

- trinket_073_blastingcap

- trinket_077_blister

- trinket_090_browncap

- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :

- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%

- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1

- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks

- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed

- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.

- 116_9volt also fully charges active item

- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one

- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears

- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)

- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage

- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3

- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting

- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura

- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms

- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage

- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.

- Shorter description for:

- Transcendence

- Picking shears

- The habit

- spirit of the night

- lord of the pit

- Mitre

- fate

- holy grail

- trinket_085_karma

- Mod is now finished !

- Added afterbirth trinkets

- added afterbirth items

- Rearanged roomlayouts for:

- Devil Deal Rooms

- Greed Devil Dead rooms

- Shops

- Black Markets

- 3.0.4 Chance log:

- fixed Item descriptions:

- --maggys faith

- --20/20

- --1up

- --Deaths touch

- --infestation

- --hive mind

- --the mulligan

- --gods flesh

- --number one

- Mod is now finished !

- Added afterbirth trinkets

- added afterbirth items

- Rearanged roomlayouts for:

- Devil Deal Rooms

- Greed Devil Dead rooms

- Shops

- Black Markets

- 3.0.3 Chance log:

- Added "One Time Usage" tooltip!

- fixed spelling for:

- - purity

- - Skatole

- - compass

- - lokis horns

- - little chubby

- - D6

- Mod is now finished !

- Added afterbirth trinkets

- added afterbirth items

- Rearanged roomlayouts for:

- - Devil Deal Rooms

- - Greed Devil Dead rooms

- - Shops

- - Black Markets

- 3.0.2 Chance log:

- fixed spelling for:

- -- purity

- -- Skatole

- -- compass

- -- lokis horns

- -- little chubby

- -- D6

- Mod is now finished !

- Added afterbirth trinkets

- added afterbirth items

- Rearanged roomlayouts for:

- -- Devil Deal Rooms

- -- Greed Devil Dead rooms

- -- Shops

- -- Black Markets

- 3.0.1 Chance log:

- - fixed spelling on "purity" item

- Mod is now finished !

- Added afterbirth trinkets

- added afterbirth items

- Rearanged roomlayouts for:

- --- Devil Deal Rooms

- --- Greed Devil Dead rooms

- --- Shops

- --- Black Markets

- Now supports ALL rebirth Items and Trinkets

- Added the first 300 Items

- Now supports Trinkets!!

- Added the first 30 Trinkets

- Added the first 300 Items !

- now supports first 250 items!

- fixed cube of meat tooltip

- Now supports the first 200 Items !!!

- applied new design to first 200 Items


- reduced size of overlay

- more transparent background

- better font spacing

- now with icons for transformations !!

- fixed devil deal price overlapping

- -----applied new design to the first 50 items !-----

- now supports the first 150 items !

- improved visuals of active items

the rebirth version didnt work for me
hola, existe una version en español del mod ?
Hi thanks for the mod, but why does it display question marks for several items instead of their icon and no description at all? I have afterbirth.
I only have afterbirth (no plus). Weirdly only the repentance version works for me. The afterbirth version makes me crash.
Fire mod help when learning thing
it does not work for me, the game just stays normal and running without the mod, even tough i followed the tutorial of the site btw i have the rebirth version, if anyone can help i would be glad
Is it possible to get a translation of the mod?
yeah,but only if you use the afterbirth one
wow what a moderd mod am i right my pure harted fellassz
downloaded the rebirth version for rebirth following the instructions but it does not work or appear in game would love some help troubleshooting
best item description mod out there.
after picking up mod baby the game crashes as i am about to hit an enemy with tears.... is there a fix? (i am playing on mac)
does not work for some reason, send help pls
Downloaded for Rebirth but cannot get it to work.

heres the rebirth version of the mod -
I downloaded it but I have an apple pc so what do I do get it into my game
i have a mac to. no idea how to get it to work.
there is a rebirth version of this mod! just scroll down the page a bit more and you'll find it
builds into the game instead of standing out with just text sitting in a corner
idk why i follow all the pass and it dosen't work i try all the day but nothing :c
How do I download the mod for repentance DLC? I checked the modlist and activated the mod, Doesnt seem to be appeared at the modlist in-game...

download this mod in Steam Workshop
I downloaded the rebirth version, extracted the file into my resource folder using 7zip, and nothing happened. Is there a fix to this?
Can I still get achievements with this mod?
no I tested it and it did't work

Time to see if it works on Repentance! Will update!
damn , hopefully it will get updated soon
sadly the rebirth version made the game crash on startup
I have same problem, the game crash
why does it break restock machines? ive seen other external item description mods that dont break them but i havent been able to find them on this website
I'm so impatient for the repentance version! Great work!
Could you update the download link for the Russian Translation?
Russian Translation link is inactive :C
Why does the mod not work for me in Repentance?
No mod appears in the Repentance, how do I activate them?
I bought the repentance yesterday, and today that I was going that I realized, I did not have the active mods, and when I was going to activate them, the Mods option leaves me blocked, as if I did not have any mod, as I activate it
Repentance doesn't have mod support yet, it should in about a week
it does now but we still need to wait for actuall mods to update
Will there be a Repentance version?
yes. it will be implemented in the current AB+ version on the steam workshop
I'm really struggling with installing this mod... What am I supposed to put in my resources folder so it can work? Thank you
hello where do i get a antibirth version
An Antibirth version does not exist
nah, i never use the restock machine, so i will download this
So if you have this mod does it mean that there will be no restock machines in any run in the store? I saw the thing above just asking for clarification.
Russian translation is not available "The bindingof isaac rebirth"
1. Is there an overlap with this for your other mod, charge bars? How would I install it so that it works with that
2. Is this compatible with antibirth? I tried to run just EID with antibirth, and could not seem to get it to work, even though charge bars did.
And I did install the rebirth versions of both
How do you install the afterbirth+ version?
AB+ Version can be found here:
where do i find the version for afterbith+?
AB+ Version can be found here:
this mod takes the restock machines out of the store? Because I see a lot of people using it and they keep showing up.
Or is it in a specific version that removes restock machines.
It makes my game crash.. I Installed the "Gfx" folder, "Rooms" folder and the Pocketitems.xml as instructed in the noteblock.
I just bought binding of isaac rebirth
Hey man. I've Rebirth only. I tried to install it exactly like you said to "Woofnion" below.
But ... here, don't has a "gfx" folder =(
There's another way?
Does this work for Afterbirth+? If not.. is there a way to revert to just Afterbirth?
only a partially done Polish translation for the afterbirth+ version. Sorry
This mod have a spanish version?
The afterbirth+ version does have a spanish translation. You can find it on the Steam workshop
hym... im bad downloader of mods beacuse i cant add this mod to the binding of isaac im already downloaded that but i cant put this mod into the binding of isaac my version of TBoI is afterbirth
is there the same mod but for afterbirth+?
yes -
YES. I need THAT, but for ANTIBIRTH.
I used this for rebirth and it was fine until i got the charge bar mod. It only lets me have 1 gfx file in the same area so I can't use them both
This mod is great. Even if you're a TBOI veteran this mod may be useful. Unfortunately you can't use it on AB+
this mod is compatible with AB+. just search for it on the steam workshop ;)
this mod is for afterbirth..........
Is there a version of this for Afterbirth+ without the .lua scripts, sadly they won't run on the Nintendo Switch version of AB+
No there is no AB+ version of this mod without .lua files
how do I not do what the notebook says nothing works
Can somebody do this for Antibirth
It not work. in it there is 3 files and a .lua
it just won't pop up in my game can someone help
is there a version of this that is for afterbirth+?
Yes, you can get it here:
it takes me to this exact same page , what should i do ? your link is not useful
game started crushing when i instal the mod, can someone help? ;_;
This mod is very useful mostly for the trinkets, thanks man
Can not make it work even tho I'm sure I've installed it correctly (looked at the ReadMe in the mod and followed the steps on it) AND watched a Youtube Video. Nothing works.
i have rebirth and i don't know why but doesn't work... the downlaoded files are in the same file of log.txt
follow the install instructions:
I have afterbirth + and it does not work
It clearly says it's for afterbirth on the page
I can't find the mod in my game when I play in Afterbirth
Can someone help me please ?
this mods is very cool but i can't save my game :'(
Also helps me alot of taking items!
I downloaded this mod and i have Afterbirth, but when i load up the game my options menu is gone, and the ingame map is a mix of scrambled grey chunks and symbols. I extracted the file into my resources folder, and accepted all the file replacements. Please help, as i was really looking forward to using this mod.
any chance to get the old version with that "scripts" folder? i try to mod it in without losing achievements, know it worked a few months ago but this new ab+ version on steam has now gfx folder and main.lua instead which doesnt work for me if i simply override the resources. would be awesome as its the most useful mod i know of :P
It doesn't work for me (Afterbirth+), like the mod appears in "mod option" but nothing ingame. Can someone help me ?
The afterbirth+ version can be found in the steam workshop. this version here is for Afterbirth or Rebirth.
This is a very well made mod! a suggestion for it would be to change where the description is located when its next to other items because it gets cluttered.
You did a great job there buddies
It doesn't work with ab+ and i don't know what's wrong.
This version of the mod only supports rebirth and afterbirth. use the version on Steam-workshop for AB+.
ab+ version can be found here:
I subscribed to it and it doesn't work, i don't know what to do... It's activated in the mods menu but i have no description in game, maybe we have to select an option or something in the options menu ?
Mod didn't work for me when i did everything right? Help plz.
Hey, do you want me to make a french translation for your mod?
do it if you want. you can also release the translation on your own account. just mention me as the original author ;)
Hi, I would like to contribute to an Italian translation of this mod (Rebirth vers. mainly, the version I've got on Steam), how can I do it?
There is an italian translation of the Afterbirth+ version already. you can get it here:
i hope it will be a afterbirth+ version soon
it exists already for ab+:
hi so im new to modding and i looked at the picture of the mod and i only get the hud the actualy "external itme descriptions" aren't there help please?
My main issue is the pop-ups aren't well popping up my friend has the opposite issue his side hud isn't showing up pls send help
the game keep crashing, i've only rebirth , i've installed the right mod version but it won't work
Very good, save my life hahahaha Thanks
Add for afrerbirth+(I don't have license)
its already ported to afterbirth+. see here:
Kinda removes a lot of the fun of figuring out what items do
Yeah but until you play it for a long time (once you figure out what all items do) and you don't remember what they do, its a useful mod
This is the best mod ever, but it need to say the item name also. Is it possible? Thank you so much, im noob....

Here you go
can i unlock achievements with this mod on?
Makes it easy for me to remember what all these trinkets do again, even though I could've checked the wiki page but I would've forgotten what they did either way. Good mod.
This makes it way easier, thank you for making this!
so much easier to play now than using a website. this mod should be in the game by default!
Nice mod. Playing is now easier than before, because I don't have to look up the iteems XD
can't find the file resources sooo freaking mad
is it with +?
would be cool and easier to suck up roght items with void
Ab+ version can be found in the workshop
What a beautiful mod! I love it and thx a lot.
I've download the Rebirth version and extracted it to the recources file in the games file, but the game just crashes. Am I doing it wrong? What can I do to fix this?
Not working for me with AB+. I extracted gfx, rooms and pocketitems.xml to 'steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources'. I'll try the workshop version next, see if that works
Can't edit the op? Oh well, I'll just reply to myself then
The workshop version works (and Mr Creeps5000's Enable Achievements method does too).
Also, I had no other mods installed (even deleted and rebuild game cache 3 days ago).

I extracted the files in my resources folder as shown above but nothing seems to work in game and it doesn't appear under mods list, what am i doing wrong?
you extracted the files directly into the resources folder but they have to be contained in the gfx folder they are in. it should look like this: resources/gfx/MANY FILES & FOLDERS

I tried that too but still nothing.
Do i need to enable them from mods list or should they be instantly active?
It looks like you only extracted the gfx folder, you need to extract the folder 'rooms ' and file 'pocketitems.xml' too. (Though for me it still doesn't work, see my post above.)
Edmond is thinking of incorporating your steamworks version as a core option! That being said, I hope that you manage to incorporate all your planned features. I thoroughly enjoyed using this mod before Afterbirth+!
does the achievements still work with this mod on?
achievements and unlocks only get disabled by workshop mods
simple fix for crashes in afterbirth+ is to delete the .xml file. this allows you to use the old version and still get achievements. any chance of a quick ab+ update to this version, Wofsauge? also thanks for these mods, i was considering giving up on the game when i thought i couldn't play with your mod anymore
I deleted that file and it run the game, but any time I went into a room it just crashed it again. Any advice?
The game will only crash, if you use the wrong version of this mod. You can get the afterbirth version by clicking on download, the rebirth version link can be found in the description, and the afterbirth+ version can be found in the steam workshop ;)
i only have rebirth and this mod is still good

Why can't I see it in the game.
animation is work. but the description did't work...
its currently optimized for afterbirth , but when you install it in ab+ it will work, too. it will just not display descriptions for ab+ items/trinkets
@Wofsauge, I have been unable to make it work in AB+. Crashes on the start of loading any game. Removed the mod and it loads fine.
you can find the ab+ version here WORKSHOP LINK
(Note that this version disables achievements. im working to make the old thing work for ab+ as well)
Thank you for this! Definitely waiting for the one that doesn't disable achievements! You're amazing!
Same problem, Isaac crash when i install it, pls optimize, your mod is a very useful
It's worth mentioning that using the mod via this website instead of via the workshop means you will be able to attain achievements, milestones, and unlocks. Playing with mods through the workshop locks all of these aspects, stunting your progression significantly.
Please, make this mod work on Afterbirth+
Do u upload this mod then with ab+ support into the Steam Workshop? 607
yes. i will upload it here and in the workshop
Is the Afterbirth+ version on your list Wofsauge?
I Look forward for an update to afterbirth+
My donation machine was replaced with a restock machine in the shops
Good mod, but really sucks how there aren't any restocking machines now. Good job nonetheless!
Great if you forget what the item does!
One of the best. Use this for months.
Sorry but unless you fixed the problem about the depsawning the restock machines i won't bother with this mod unfortunately
The purple heart trinket has an error in it. It says "higher chance for boss challange rooms", challange should be challenge.
Is there a way to make this work with your brimstone charge bar mod? A lot of the files are the same, and i tried renaming some of the files, but when I do that the mod doesn't work.
what are you talking about ? these two mods have 0 files in common. they are 100% compatible without renaming anything...
It would be cool if you could toggle the tips on and off, other wise great mod!
Wow, it's like a pocket Platinum God. Very good
For the description of Bob's Brain, it needs to be "Utter crap without Pyromaniac." Love the mod.
thanks alot! now i dont have to start chrome just to go to the wiki, saves me lots of time haha
much better than looking at the wiki all the time :P feels good
Thanks you! And thanks "yogurt" for translation!
this mod would be perfect if the restock maschine would still work :P
очень полезный мод мне очень понравился
this is so cool. thanks for creating this. its just too gr8.
Man, i've always had problems with remembering what all of these items do, since there are so many. And this mod sure helps out alot. Thanks for making this
I can't start a run with this mod
The game crash when i select the character :/
use the rebirth version if you only have rebirth...
Thanks for the reply. I have Afterbirth and I used the one for Rebirth....
lol i think a lot of people would think its the other way around
Good mod, hope you find a way to deal with the restock machines, also why is there a "remove retro pill" file? Is it important to keep it? Because as terrible as that pill is I'd prefer it in the game. Thanks!
the removed retro pill folder is optional. as long as you dont install the files in it, you will still get retro pills.
Nice job wont download it myself I like the suprise but still nice job non the less!
Alright suggestion.
To help this not conflict with those better shop deal with the devil and item room mods, find a way so that the item desc. only apear when you face them, or maybe shoot them (idk how you mod this stuff, im new.) so for scrubs like me who need overpowerd items cause they aint got skill can understand how to choose items.
all nice ideas but thats simply not possible with current modding. but i can promise that the ab+ version will handle this problem better
Great for people who are new to the game and don't know what stuff does.
That is unfixable. Think about it that way: Normally, the item sprite is above the pedestal but can get blocked (visually) by rocks "underneath" the pedestal. The descriptions are just the sprite with an added text below it. To make the description hover over the rocks and stuff would need either recoding a small part of the game into placing the sprite above the "Block Layer" or letting it generate the description in a second sprite next to the item, and again above the rocks. Both versions would require an ridicolous amount of work a given how many items exist and will be added with Afterbirth +. And recoding stuff from the game with hours of testing it in case of game crashes just for some item explanations would generally not be worth it.
cool, now it actually looks like blood 10/10
- Improved Hell
- Fixed RED things
- Added little rabbits

potenzial bug report:

in one of my latest runs i found the love bean and it had no description it was more like a red square
never had that before so not sure if it was a 1 time thing or not
ive tried to reproduce this bug but everything works fine for me. Screenshot:
is your bean part of those displayed beans or do you mean a different one ?
its the left one "charming fart" i tried again yesterday and it worked fine again. guess it was just a one time only thing really no idea :/
I only have one thing to say about this mod, especially this last update:
Awesome, really good.
...... ...... ......
Yeah, I really enjoyed the red things and little rabbits.
Hello, but for some reason the Cupid's arrow doesn't have any description at all.
ive tried to reproduce this issue but it works fine for me:
maybe you installed the mod wrong ?
Oh my, haha, I left out a file, thank you for telling me to check the files. I feel dumb.
Am I the only one who saw the Sack Head and laughed because it said "Way more Sacks are dropping?"
Hello can you please rename items n°378 and 435 in lower case, cause in Linux those items get no description because Linux is case sensitive.
Thank you for this great mod !
ive corrected that. thank you for reporting this issue.
this is so cool I will not deceive me
this is one of the most helpful mods i have
Help me with a thing. I'm brazilian. I don't understand the information about the "shared copy".
shared copies are games that you can play, even if you dont bought them yourself. you get those games by using the "family sharing" option in steam with which you can play games that are owned by your brother or similar.
Very nice, that helps me much!
can i download it without having afterbirth?
the afterbirth version will not work for rebirth. the rebirth version of this mod can be downloaded, by clicking on the link in the description.
как скачать
Крутой мод
sadly i know all the items by now so this isnt big use to me, but still great work!
Good mod. Thanks author for best mod for isaac!
Thank you so much for this mod - it greatly increases my enjoyment of the game. I can just play now instead of pausing every five seconds to tab over to the wiki!
Will this work with the Varying Special Rooms mod?
Answered my own question; VSR overrides this mod's altered shop layouts but everything else works fine.
один из лучших
c пиратки нельзя
ибо нефиг пиратить
да поможет
как устоновить мод
I'm using the Binding of Undertale mod. Do you know if this would interfere with it?
Nevermind. I just saw Seiryuu's comment.
If you do not have access to the wiki,this mod is for you!
Thanks! Always nervous to get devil room items without know what they do.
Does this conflict with any other mods? I have The Binding of Undertale Mod which modifies item names and graphics. Will it still be able to identify those items?
yes it will propably override some itemsprites, will rename tarotcards & pills and overrides some stagefiles. you can only install the folder "gfx" of the external items description mod to display only the descriptions of every item and nothing more. this will only override item sprites. the rest will still be the undertale mod.
Thank you, this is very helpful. Im kind of a noob so i dont always no what the items does.
I've been playing this game for a long time, and sometimes I still mix items up. I've picked up Marked so many times thinking it was Dead Eye.
For the steam sale item, it says 'pices' instead of 'prices'
Wolfsauge. Give me permission for make russian translation of your mod, please!
yes i will allow that you can find the backgrounds and Icons in the collectibles folder. If you are finished please send me a link to the mod so i can implement it in the description
nicely done. three things: please replace the first image in the description with this image:
(has better quality)
second: please use the provided backgrounds for descriptions so it will not look like you removed the old text by simply drawing over it.
Third: my username is "Wofsauge" not "Wolfsauge" ;)
please use the provided backgrounds for descriptions so it will not look like you removed the old text by simply drawing over it.
I fixed that
Great mod! It helps very much and now I don't have to go to the wiki so often.
good mod but i don't want to change the gameplay, if you can make a version without it i will use like i use you other mods
Great mod. I found one error recently, though: this mod currently mistakenly shows The Book of Sin as having a charge rate of 3, when it actually has a charge rate of 4.
Was mentioned that it was a port from rebirth with new items added so some adjusted items (like the book) show old info.
I think (not sure) i saw "pices" instead of prices at steam sale.
Hi Wofsauge, will you do something like this to The binding of Isaac : Rebirth?
here is the mod ported to Rebirth. keep in mind that this is a port and therefore some informations are not accurate.
Thanks, I
'll tell you if find some mistakes.
Very helpful if you don't know the items yet, it can help you learn!
Thanks for adding! Very cool mod!
Thank you im making a big "vanilla" mod with all helping afterbirth, and yours defintly in it ;)
I found a description mistake: the Imaginary Friend trinket doesn't shoot toward the player but rather in the same direction as him.
This mod is VERY useful. It shows all the information about every pickup/item! The only problem I have with it is when you go into a room with items/pickups, it lags.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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