the mod displays an detailed description of the functionality of every Items & trinkets in the game. it also pushes pedestrial item appart in some rooms like devil rooms, shops or black markets to make the descriptions more readable.

- Describing text next to all Items / Trinkets in the game
- Icons that point out, if this Item is part of a Transformation
- Display of chargeup time of active items
- Better descriptions for Pills & Cards
- Detailed Stat values next in the Description
- More space between some items in almost all rooms
Images of the mod ingame: http://imgur.com/a/isCNg/all

This mod (ONLY: Rebirth and Afterbirth Version) despawns the restock machines in Shops due to unflexible modablility of the game. Im sorry for this inconvinience.

This Version is just a direct, unedited port from the Afterbirth files. Therefore some descriptions, chargetimes and Icons are not accurate.

Steam Version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836319872
Github Version: https://github.com/wofsauge/External-Item-Descriptions
- Removed ARG pieces
- Improved Hell
- Fixed RED things
- Added little rabbits
- Fixed minor compatibility issues with Linux systems.
- Fixed all shop rooms:
- -- now correct count of items
- -- removed restock machines due to lack of modding support for entity spawn rates
- fixed placement of shop items
- added "super bum" icon
- Fixed bug where shops only contained restock boxes
- added better descriptions to cards / runes
- renamed some afterbirth pills to better describe their usage
- ---- ???
- ---- Addicted
- ---- Infested!
- ---- Infested?
- ---- Percs
- ---- Re-Lax
- added alternative pocketitems.xml which removes the retro vision pill from the game.
- Mega blast description is now displayed correctly
- fixed readme for windows x64
- items and trinkets are further away from each other in:
- --- libaries
- --- crawlspaces / black market
- --- i am error rooms
- --- secret rooms
- --- rare mini rooms
- Fixed readme
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- fixed charge indicator for dads key
- Added readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Added Readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Added Readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- Devil Deal Rooms
- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- Shops
- Black Markets
- 3.0.4 Chance log:
- fixed Item descriptions:
- --maggys faith
- --20/20
- --1up
- --Deaths touch
- --infestation
- --hive mind
- --the mulligan
- --gods flesh
- --number one
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- Devil Deal Rooms
- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- Shops
- Black Markets
- 3.0.3 Chance log:
- Added "One Time Usage" tooltip!
- fixed spelling for:
- - purity
- - Skatole
- - compass
- - lokis horns
- - little chubby
- - D6
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- - Devil Deal Rooms
- - Greed Devil Dead rooms
- - Shops
- - Black Markets
- 3.0.2 Chance log:
- fixed spelling for:
- -- purity
- -- Skatole
- -- compass
- -- lokis horns
- -- little chubby
- -- D6
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- -- Devil Deal Rooms
- -- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- -- Shops
- -- Black Markets
- 3.0.1 Chance log:
- - fixed spelling on "purity" item
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- --- Devil Deal Rooms
- --- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- --- Shops
- --- Black Markets
- Now supports ALL rebirth Items and Trinkets
- Added the first 300 Items
- Now supports Trinkets!!
- Added the first 30 Trinkets
- Added the first 300 Items !
- now supports first 250 items!
- fixed cube of meat tooltip
- Now supports the first 200 Items !!!
- applied new design to first 200 Items
- reduced size of overlay
- more transparent background
- better font spacing
- now with icons for transformations !!
- fixed devil deal price overlapping
- -----applied new design to the first 50 items !-----
- now supports the first 150 items !
- improved visuals of active items
No mod appears in the Repentance, how do I activate them?
2. Is this compatible with antibirth? I tried to run just EID with antibirth, and could not seem to get it to work, even though charge bars did.
Or is it in a specific version that removes restock machines.
I just bought binding of isaac rebirth
But ... here, don't has a "gfx" folder =(
There's another way?
like it
Can someone help me please ?
Here you go
would be cool and easier to suck up roght items with void
The workshop version works (and Mr Creeps5000's Enable Achievements method does too).
Also, I had no other mods installed (even deleted and rebuild game cache 3 days ago).
I extracted the files in my resources folder as shown above but nothing seems to work in game and it doesn't appear under mods list, what am i doing wrong?
I tried that too but still nothing.
Do i need to enable them from mods list or should they be instantly active?
Why can't I see it in the game.
animation is work. but the description did't work...
(Note that this version disables achievements. im working to make the old thing work for ab+ as well)
i love these mod
The game crash when i select the character :/