the mod displays an detailed description of the functionality of every Items & trinkets in the game. it also pushes pedestrial item appart in some rooms like devil rooms, shops or black markets to make the descriptions more readable.

- Describing text next to all Items / Trinkets in the game
- Icons that point out, if this Item is part of a Transformation
- Display of chargeup time of active items
- Better descriptions for Pills & Cards
- Detailed Stat values next in the Description
- More space between some items in almost all rooms
Images of the mod ingame: http://imgur.com/a/isCNg/all

This mod (ONLY: Rebirth and Afterbirth Version) despawns the restock machines in Shops due to unflexible modablility of the game. Im sorry for this inconvinience.

This Version is just a direct, unedited port from the Afterbirth files. Therefore some descriptions, chargetimes and Icons are not accurate.

Steam Version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836319872
Github Version: https://github.com/wofsauge/External-Item-Descriptions
- Removed ARG pieces
- Improved Hell
- Fixed RED things
- Added little rabbits
- Fixed minor compatibility issues with Linux systems.
- Fixed all shop rooms:
- -- now correct count of items
- -- removed restock machines due to lack of modding support for entity spawn rates
- fixed placement of shop items
- added "super bum" icon
- Fixed bug where shops only contained restock boxes
- added better descriptions to cards / runes
- renamed some afterbirth pills to better describe their usage
- ---- ???
- ---- Addicted
- ---- Infested!
- ---- Infested?
- ---- Percs
- ---- Re-Lax
- added alternative pocketitems.xml which removes the retro vision pill from the game.
- Mega blast description is now displayed correctly
- fixed readme for windows x64
- items and trinkets are further away from each other in:
- --- libaries
- --- crawlspaces / black market
- --- i am error rooms
- --- secret rooms
- --- rare mini rooms
- Fixed readme
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- fixed charge indicator for dads key
- Added readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Added Readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Added Readme file
- Added indicator for charging times of active items
- --- Spacing fixes:
- Inner Eye
- --- Spelling fixes:
- 004_cricketshead
- 066_the hourglass
- 093_thegame
- 108_thewafer
- 113_demonbaby
- 183_toothpicks
- Iron Bar
- Pandora's Box
- 268_rottenbaby
- 325_scissors
- 326_breathoflife
- 333_mind reads
- 367_stickybombs
- 373_deadeye reads
- 382_friendlyball
- 391_betrayal reads
- 398_godsflesh
- 409_emptyvessel
- 414_more options
- 425_nightlight
- trinket_019_paperclip
- trinket_021_mysteriouspaper
- trinket_073_blastingcap
- trinket_077_blister
- trinket_090_browncap
- --- Fixed incorrect/Incomplete effects for :
- 005_myreflection also increases shot speed by 60%
- 081_deadcat also sets users red hearts to 1
- 083_the nail also allows the user to break rocks
- 101_the halo also gives +0.25 Range +0.3 Speed
- 106_mrmega increases bomb damage from 50 to 110.
- 116_9volt also fully charges active item
- 121_oddmushroomlarge gives an empty heart container rather than a full one
- 185_deaddove also gives spectral tears
- Buttbombs (added transformation icon)
- 219_oldbandage also gives a chance to drop red hearts on damage
- 296_converter converts 2 black/soul hearts,not 3
- Isaacs Tears charges when shooting
- 407_purity doesn't apply an aura upon getting hit,getting hit removes the aura
- trinket_005_purpleheart also increases the chance of challenge rooms spawning as boss challenge rooms
- trinket_014_callus also negates creep damage
- Pinky Eye: has a chance for poison tears.
- Shorter description for:
- Transcendence
- Picking shears
- The habit
- spirit of the night
- lord of the pit
- Mitre
- fate
- holy grail
- trinket_085_karma
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- Devil Deal Rooms
- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- Shops
- Black Markets
- 3.0.4 Chance log:
- fixed Item descriptions:
- --maggys faith
- --20/20
- --1up
- --Deaths touch
- --infestation
- --hive mind
- --the mulligan
- --gods flesh
- --number one
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- Devil Deal Rooms
- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- Shops
- Black Markets
- 3.0.3 Chance log:
- Added "One Time Usage" tooltip!
- fixed spelling for:
- - purity
- - Skatole
- - compass
- - lokis horns
- - little chubby
- - D6
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- - Devil Deal Rooms
- - Greed Devil Dead rooms
- - Shops
- - Black Markets
- 3.0.2 Chance log:
- fixed spelling for:
- -- purity
- -- Skatole
- -- compass
- -- lokis horns
- -- little chubby
- -- D6
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- -- Devil Deal Rooms
- -- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- -- Shops
- -- Black Markets
- 3.0.1 Chance log:
- - fixed spelling on "purity" item
- Mod is now finished !
- Added afterbirth trinkets
- added afterbirth items
- Rearanged roomlayouts for:
- --- Devil Deal Rooms
- --- Greed Devil Dead rooms
- --- Shops
- --- Black Markets
- Now supports ALL rebirth Items and Trinkets
- Added the first 300 Items
- Now supports Trinkets!!
- Added the first 30 Trinkets
- Added the first 300 Items !
- now supports first 250 items!
- fixed cube of meat tooltip
- Now supports the first 200 Items !!!
- applied new design to first 200 Items
- reduced size of overlay
- more transparent background
- better font spacing
- now with icons for transformations !!
- fixed devil deal price overlapping
- -----applied new design to the first 50 items !-----
- now supports the first 150 items !
- improved visuals of active items
No mod appears in the Repentance, how do I activate them?
2. Is this compatible with antibirth? I tried to run just EID with antibirth, and could not seem to get it to work, even though charge bars did.
Or is it in a specific version that removes restock machines.
I just bought binding of isaac rebirth
But ... here, don't has a "gfx" folder =(
There's another way?
like it
Can someone help me please ?
Here you go
would be cool and easier to suck up roght items with void
The workshop version works (and Mr Creeps5000's Enable Achievements method does too).
Also, I had no other mods installed (even deleted and rebuild game cache 3 days ago).
I extracted the files in my resources folder as shown above but nothing seems to work in game and it doesn't appear under mods list, what am i doing wrong?
I tried that too but still nothing.
Do i need to enable them from mods list or should they be instantly active?
Why can't I see it in the game.
animation is work. but the description did't work...
(Note that this version disables achievements. im working to make the old thing work for ab+ as well)
i love these mod
The game crash when i select the character :/
To help this not conflict with those better shop deal with the devil and item room mods, find a way so that the item desc. only apear when you face them, or maybe shoot them (idk how you mod this stuff, im new.) so for scrubs like me who need overpowerd items cause they aint got skill can understand how to choose items.
- Fixed RED things
- Added little rabbits
in one of my latest runs i found the love bean and it had no description it was more like a red square
never had that before so not sure if it was a 1 time thing or not
is your bean part of those displayed beans or do you mean a different one ?
Awesome, really good.
...... ...... ......
maybe you installed the mod wrong ?
Thank you for this great mod !