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Class "EntityNPC"⚓︎

Inherits from Class:⚓︎



Anim·Walk·Frame ()⚓︎

void AnimWalkFrame ( string HorizontalAnim, string VerticalAnim, float SpeedThreshold )⚓︎

Calc·Target·Position ()⚓︎

Vector CalcTargetPosition ( float DistanceLimit )⚓︎

Can·Be·Damaged·From·Velocity ()⚓︎

boolean CanBeDamagedFromVelocity ( Vector Velocity )⚓︎

Can·Reroll ()⚓︎

boolean CanReroll ( )⚓︎

Fire·Boss·Projectiles ()⚓︎

EntityProjectile FireBossProjectiles ( int NumProjectiles, Vector TargetPos, float TrajectoryModifier, ProjectileParams Params )⚓︎

fire a number of projectiles, optionally targeting the player direction is randomized, or slightly randomized when targeting the player FallingAccelModifier can be used to make projectiles fall faster to the ground returns a pointer to the projectile spawned last (useful e.g. when NumProjectiles=1)

Fire·Projectiles ()⚓︎

void FireProjectiles ( Vector Pos, Vector Velocity, ProjectilesMode Mode, ProjectileParams Params )⚓︎

Get·Alive·Enemy·Count ()⚓︎

int GetAliveEnemyCount ( )⚓︎

Used to redirect close door enemies to any enemies for friendly npcs.

Get·Boss·Color·Idx ()⚓︎

int GetBossColorIdx ( )⚓︎


This will return the boss color idx reduced by 1. To get the actual color as set in bosscolors.xml, add +1 to the result.

Get·Champion·Color·Idx ()⚓︎

int GetChampionColorIdx ( )⚓︎


A list of Champion colors can be found here : ChampionColorIdx

Get·Player·Target ()⚓︎

Entity GetPlayerTarget ( )⚓︎

if there are no modifiers (best friend) this will return the player

Is·Boss ()⚓︎

boolean IsBoss ( )⚓︎

Is·Champion ()⚓︎

boolean IsChampion ( )⚓︎

Kill·Unique ()⚓︎

void KillUnique ( )⚓︎

For entities with unique death animation, like Flush! vs poop enemies.

Make·Champion ()⚓︎

void MakeChampion ( int Seed )⚓︎

Forces a non champion to become a champion, resets hp to max hp.


Hard to use because there are millions of possible seeds to input here.Use Morph() to change the champion Color instead!

Make·Splat ()⚓︎

EntityEffect MakeSplat ( float Size )⚓︎

Morph ()⚓︎

boolean Morph ( EntityType , int Variant, int SubType, int ChampionColorIdx )⚓︎

Morph the current entity into another one. ChampionColorIdx can be used to turn the entity into a champion. Use -1 to turn it into a regular entity. A list of Champion colors can be found here : ChampionColorIdx

Example Code

This code turns an entity into a gaper.

entity:ToNPC():Morph(EntityType.ENTITY_GAPER , 0, 0,-1)

Play·Sound ()⚓︎

void PlaySound ( SoundEffect ID, float Volume, int FrameDelay, boolean Loop, float Pitch )⚓︎

Query·NPCs·Group ()⚓︎

EntityList QueryNPCsGroup ( int GroupIdx )⚓︎

Query·NPCs·Spawner·Type ()⚓︎

EntityList QueryNPCsSpawnerType ( EntityType SpawnerType, EntityType Type, boolean OnlyEnemies )⚓︎

Query·NPCs·Type ()⚓︎

EntityList QueryNPCsType ( EntityType Type, int Variant )⚓︎

Reset·Path·Finder·Target ()⚓︎

void ResetPathFinderTarget ( )⚓︎

Throw·Spider ()⚓︎

static ThrowSpider ( Vector Position, Entity Spawner, Vector TargetPos, boolean Big, float YOffset )⚓︎



boolean CanShutDoors⚓︎


const EntityNPC ChildNPC⚓︎


Entity EntityRef⚓︎


int GroupIdx⚓︎

Used to identify multichunks groups.


int I1⚓︎

general usage ints for ai_


int I2⚓︎

same as m_I1


const EntityNPC ParentNPC⚓︎

parent entity, for multi-entity NPCs like Larry Jr.


PathFinder Pathfinder⚓︎


int ProjectileCooldown⚓︎

projectiles can fire again when it reaches 0


int ProjectileDelay⚓︎

>0: projectile will be fired in n frames


float Scale⚓︎


int State⚓︎


int StateFrame⚓︎


Vector V1⚓︎

general usage for ai_* functions, initialized to (0,0)


Vector V2⚓︎

like m_V1, in case we need two of those

Last update: June 9, 2021