Class "Vector"⚓︎
Vector ()⚓︎
Vector Vector ( float , float )⚓︎
__add ()⚓︎
Vector __add ( Vector Right )⚓︎
Defines the Addition of two Vector objects using the +
Example Code
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__div ()⚓︎
Vector __div ( float Modifier )⚓︎
Defines the Division of two Vector objects using the /
Example Code
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__mul ()⚓︎
Vector __mul ( float Modifier )⚓︎
Defines the Multiplication of two Vector objects using the *
Example Code
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__sub ()⚓︎
Vector __sub ( Vector Right )⚓︎
Defines the Subtraction of two Vector objects using the -
Example Code
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__unm ()⚓︎
Vector __unm ( Vector Right )⚓︎
Defines the inversion of a Vector object using the -
Example Code
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Clamp ()⚓︎
void Clamp ( float MinX, float MinY, float MaxX, float MaxY )⚓︎
Clamps the vector based on left, top, right, bottom boundings. Doesn't keep direction
Clamped ()⚓︎
Vector Clamped ( float MinX, float MinY, float MaxX, float MaxY )⚓︎
Returns a clamped version of the vector.
Cross ()⚓︎
float Cross ( Vector second )⚓︎
Cross product this is the 2x2 matrix determinant or the resulting z value for their 3D versions with z=0
Distance ()⚓︎
float Distance ( Vector first, Vector second )⚓︎
Returns distance between two vectors
Example Code
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Distance·Squared ()⚓︎
float DistanceSquared ( Vector first, Vector second )⚓︎
Returns squared distance between two vectors
Example Code
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Dot ()⚓︎
float Dot ( Vector second )⚓︎
Dot product
From·Angle ()⚓︎
static Vector FromAngle ( float AngleDegrees )⚓︎
Build a Vector from an angle, returns a normalized vector. Angle 0 will result in (1, 0). Angle 90 will result in (0, 1).
Example Code
This code returns a vector that has a 45 degree angle
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Get·Angle·Degrees ()⚓︎
float GetAngleDegrees ( )⚓︎
Returns the angle the vector is facing. The vector (1, 0) will be at 0 degrees. The vector (0, 1) will be at 90 degrees.
Example Code
This code returns the angle between two positions.
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Length ()⚓︎
float Length ( )⚓︎
Returns the length of the vector
Length·Squared ()⚓︎
float LengthSquared ( )⚓︎
Returns the length squared of the vector
Lerp ()⚓︎
Vector Lerp ( Vector first, Vector second, float t )⚓︎
Linear interpolation between two vectors. For t = 0 it returns the first Vector, for t = 1 it returns the second.
Alternate Function example
This function does the same as Lerp, but will not alter the input vectors.
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Example Code
This code will make v1 the vector 50% in between v1 and v2
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Normalize ()⚓︎
void Normalize ( )⚓︎
Normalizes this vector
Normalized ()⚓︎
Vector Normalized ( )⚓︎
Returns a normalized version of this vector
Resize ()⚓︎
void Resize ( float NewLength )⚓︎
Resizes the vector length.
Resized ()⚓︎
Vector Resized ( float NewLength )⚓︎
Returns a resized version of the vector.
Rotated ()⚓︎
Vector Rotated ( float AngleDegrees )⚓︎
Returns a rotated version of the vector by AngleDegrees
float X⚓︎
Components of vector.