Viewing Mod
Better Character Menu (Colored)
add colors on the character menu
Created 9 years ago


This mod add some colors in the character menu.

This mod is compatible with all others graphics mods.

How to install

Go in your folder > C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth

and paste the resources folder which is in the .rar file.


x 38

- Added background colors

- Added background colors

I looked at the screenshots, andI think that colored menu look weird, but in a good way. I guess I'm just not used to it, but I will give this mod a try anyway.
its kind of disturbing that they look naked now XD
Cool mod, but I think I had this mod already.
Thank you It's my first mod so i'm verry happy
FIRST MOD?!? its amazing that you did this on your first try
i wouldnt be able to!
Chud mod does not actually color the characters on the character menu, and even if it did, this mod has many different changes than chud.
Not just CHUD... Many other mods that I installed has that same exact menu.
I don't change the character menu, i just add colors
Adding colors is changing the character menu. Changing the character menu is in no way bad, but if there is another mod that does this exact same thing... Its bad
I know that... But I have seen the exact menu in another mod.
I was talking to Vhayle in that he said that he didn't edit the Character menu.
Show me proof. I think you are talking out of your ass. But if you are in fact correct, and there is another mod like this, I will get this mod removed with a blink of the eye. But until then, you need evidence.
Remember, this is just a mod. There is no point of saying things like that.
What. I'm just saying that you saying 'this is stolen!11!1' is little to nothing unless you have evidence.
And It's The Binding of Isaac: Rainbirth look it up.
Rainbirth is quite different from this. Although similar in some aspects, these are pretty differential.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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