Viewing Mod
Every character starts with the key!
Both key pieces for every character, even Keeper!
Created 9 years ago
Tired of RNG luck with angel fights? Tired of self sacrifice rooms taking all your health? Boom, this fixes all that.

Easy install and easy to use. Have fun.


x 11
I have a problem .
I have the easier characters mod installed and if I want this mod it over writes it and it doesn't let me have both of them at the same time.
how can I have both of them?
I think you need to go in the code
I don't know what you need to change specifically though.
Open up the two players.xml files using notepad and then find the value for every character listed as "items=" and then copy the numbers of each and put them into one single players.xml file.
How can I uninstall this? Because when I downloaded it, I didn't take the fact that the key pieces increase the chances for Angel Rooms and decreases Devil Room chances into account.
Hi KoolKardinal,

Just go into your \steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources folder and delete the file called players.xml.
It is very much easier to hit the devil, so that pretty is not a bad mod)
>gives all characters the key pieces
>graphics mod
>has already been done
why did this get a Seal again?
wtf man y u stealin my comment

make ur own goddamn comment
the seal of approval is for people that put up relevant screenshots that show what the mod is, quality has nothing to do with it. But yeah, im getting really sick of all these low-effort mods, hopefully they get a different category once ab+ comes out
if that's what the seal is for how come this mod (yes, it's my mod, salty salty) isn't approved yet
Great , another simple mod that doesent take 5 minutes to make , Greeeeaattt...
Please stop being an asshole. Thank you, and have a terrible day.
Please stop being an asshole. Thank you, and have a terrible day.
>gives all characters the key pieces
>graphics mod
>has already been done
why did this get a Seal again?
if you had checked the update history of the mod mentioned, you'd see it mentions Lilith. an afterbirth only character.
EXACTLY! that's the point i'm trying to make.
ok so how about instead of just putting more exclamation marks on the first word i said you actually contribute something new
*sigh* oh well... Here is a well!
Oooh, now this is good. Not too op, nor is it pointless. I like it
Holy fucking shit, you weren't an asshole for once! Here's some congratulations:
Holy shit, you are looking on a mod that isn't complete shit! Really though, if there is a pointless terrible mod that needs to be removed, I am going to hate on it. Gtfo kid.
I have to put up with this everytime i visit the internet
Stop posting here. You make yourself look dum. Or just follow this rule: Don't say anything meme related, and NEVER post more than twice in a row(You posted 4 times in a row).
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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