Class "EntityFamiliar"⚓︎
Inherits from Class:⚓︎
Add·Coins ()⚓︎
void AddCoins ( int Value )⚓︎
Add·Hearts ()⚓︎
void AddHearts ( int Hearts )⚓︎
Add·Keys ()⚓︎
void AddKeys ( int Keys )⚓︎
Add·To·Delayed ()⚓︎
void AddToDelayed ( )⚓︎
Adds to delayed. This doesn't remove other flags!
Add·To·Followers ()⚓︎
void AddToFollowers ( )⚓︎
Adds to followers. This doesn't remove other flags!
Add·To·Orbit ()⚓︎
void AddToOrbit ( int Layer )⚓︎
Adds to orbitals. This doesn't remove other flags!
Fire·Projectile ()⚓︎
EntityTear FireProjectile ( Vector Dir )⚓︎
Shoots a projectile from the center of the familiar in the direction you defined. If used on a familiar that shoots multiple projectiles (example: harlequin baby), this function will only return the left most projectile based on the direction. If used on familiars with special tears (example: Lil Brimstone,...), this will just shoot a regular tear. This function will not play the shoot animation of the familiar.
Follow·Parent ()⚓︎
void FollowParent ( )⚓︎
Follow·Position ()⚓︎
void FollowPosition ( Vector Pos )⚓︎
Get·Orbit·Distance ()⚓︎
static Vector GetOrbitDistance ( int Layer )⚓︎
Get·Orbit·Position ()⚓︎
Vector GetOrbitPosition ( Vector Pos )⚓︎
Returns the position of an orbiting familiar relative to the player's position. Returns Vector(0,0) if its a normal familiar.
The "pos" argument is used as an offset.
Move·Delayed ()⚓︎
void MoveDelayed ( int NumFrames )⚓︎
Move·Diagonally ()⚓︎
void MoveDiagonally ( float Speed )⚓︎
Pick·Enemy·Target ()⚓︎
void PickEnemyTarget ( float MaxDistance, int FrameInterval )⚓︎
Play·Charge·Anim ()⚓︎
void PlayChargeAnim ( Direction Dir )⚓︎
Play·Float·Anim ()⚓︎
void PlayFloatAnim ( Direction Dir )⚓︎
Play·Shoot·Anim ()⚓︎
void PlayShootAnim ( Direction Dir )⚓︎
Recalculate·Orbit·Offset ()⚓︎
int RecalculateOrbitOffset ( int Layer, boolean Add )⚓︎
Returns the number of familiars in that layer.
Remove·From·Delayed ()⚓︎
void RemoveFromDelayed ( )⚓︎
Remove·From·Followers ()⚓︎
void RemoveFromFollowers ( )⚓︎
Remove·From·Orbit ()⚓︎
void RemoveFromOrbit ( )⚓︎
Shoot ()⚓︎
void Shoot ( )⚓︎
This function does not seem to work.
int Coins⚓︎
int FireCooldown⚓︎
int HeadFrameDelay⚓︎
int Hearts⚓︎
int Keys⚓︎
Direction LastDirection⚓︎
Direction MoveDirection⚓︎
float OrbitAngleOffset⚓︎
Can be used to override the angular position of the familiar on its orbit based on the initial starting position of the orbit.
Example Code
This code will make all of your orbitals move as a tight wall around you.
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Vector OrbitDistance⚓︎
Defines the orbit of the familiar, if its an orbital. The Vector is interpreted as the dimensions of the circle/oval orbit. Example: Vector(110,90)
is the orbital of "Forever alone".