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Dwayne "The Tinted Rock" Johnson
Replaces tintedrocks with The Rock's head (AB+ and below)
Created 9 years ago
Based on an old joke the main sub from around when Rebirth released, replaces the marked rock on each level with an individual Rock head. Figured since the unpacker was updated may as well make an Afterbirth version that includes the new alts. Except for the Dank Depths, I couldn't find the file for that so either it uses the same rock grid as one of the other floors or I just suck at finding them. The original was pretty quick and dirty, and the new ones even more so, but maybe someone will get a laugh. This version should be compatible with both Rebirth and Afterbirth as none of the filenames changed between them, only added ones. I only really tested the Burning Basement out of the new ones, but they all should work. Standard install method, place the gfx folder in the resources folder, is of course incompatible with any other mods that modify rocks

This version targets only AB+ and prior. While it will load in Repentance, this version has not been updated with the new floors and new rocks, so using this version on Rep will cause problems. For the Repentance compatible version see or

Steam workshop version:


x 50

- Accidentally composited the new rocks for Blue Womb grid onto Basement grid, fixed

- Looked through the unpacked files for Afterbirth+ and noticed two new rock sprites per grid, thought those might be important

this shoude be in vanilla isaac

Can someone tell me why this isn't already a built in option?
I'm just here to remind you that you're the best.
Friend: "What do tinted rocks look like"
Me: *sends picture of Dwayne Johnson*
I really liked this mods, I laugh every time.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!