Viewing Mod
The Legend of Zelda Music Mod!
Change the music in your game to tracks from various LoZ Titles!
Created 10 years ago
NEWS: The afterbirth update is out! I hope you all enjoy it! Im open to hearing any feedback, its more than appreciated! Im also open to adding some requested tracks, if you want some other track in a certain level/boss/room! Thank you so much for downloading!

Hello there!
Thank you for clicking on this post! This is a mod Ive been working on which replaces all the music in the game with themes from many of The Legend of Zelda games! I thought it would make sence to make a mod like this considering part of Isaac is based on the original Lengend of Zelda game.
Please tell me what you think of the mod! Feedback is much appreciated! If you'd prefer some other track in a level than the one I put just ask, Ill be glad to do it as best I can! Just keep Im mind Im one person!

Videos (they are not the best quality, sorry about that)

If you want to find out the music as you play dont watch these! Also, take into account that these two videos were made while the mod was still very incomplete
Video 1
Video 2

The Themes!
If you want to discover which track I put for each level by playing do not click on the youtube links.

Title Theme Intro

Title Theme

The Basement

The Cellar

The Caves


The Depths


The Womb/Utero



The Chest

Dark Room


Secret Room

Challenge Room



Boss Theme

Mom Boss Theme:

Mom's Heart/It Lives Boss Theme

Satan Boss Theme

Isaac Boss Theme

??? Boss Theme:

The Lamb Boss Theme


The Afterbirth Tracks!

Burning Basement

Flooded Caves

Dank Depths

Scarred Womb

Blue Womb

Boss theme 2


Ultra Greed

Alt Theme for the basement! (Requested by Fusion_Fear)

To have this Track instead of the current one just put the two ".ogg" files that come inside the ".zip" file, into the "music" folder of the mod. It will ask you to replace the existing files of the same name, just say accept for both and you are all set!

Here's the track in case you want to hear it!

How To Install

Extract the "music" folder inside "resources" (the "music" folder should end up next to the "packed" folder).
The location of the "resources" folder is the following: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth

Whats next?

I didnt mention this above but I dont have any modding experience at all, I made this mod just from checking the game files out and understanding how to do it (which isnt that hard to be honest haha, the hardest part was editing each track so that it would loop as perfectly as it could and it would fit with its intro part). I plan on also editing audio files next, if that proves to be something I can do! I guess we'll see!


Special Thanks
Noodle our lord and savior for creating this page and woking so hard to fix the issue that was causing me and many others not be able to upload out mods. ALL PRAISE NOODLE!
OGxhizors for creating the Original Soundtrack in Rebirth Mod, which helped me a lot to get started.
Negapod for making the Zelda Music Mod for the original BoI, which inspired me to make the Rebirth version.
Xx-FlareDragon-xX for helping me out with an issue I came across while working on the mod (I came across its cause many times after that)
HairyGandalf for helping me out with choosing some of the tracks.


x 204

- Title Screen theme is back!

- Changed the default Shop track so that it fits better when it is a floor in Greed Mode (the old track is now an alt in case you still want that one).

- Alt tracks are now included in the zip file and with instructions! (Ill keep the download link of the old alt track for those that decide to still use the Rebirth version of the mod)

- Replaced all new 9 Afterbirth tracks with more LoZ greatness!

You should have dungeon for burning basement and over world for basement, both from the original preferably
Hey there! Im actually not sure it does! All the music files are ".ogg" so if Mac supports that file format it should work, I suppose you'll have to try man, at worst it just wont work.
You know, I hadnt thought about it since I Did not like AB+ all that much... but I suppose I could do it if people want it!
Some of the music seems corrupted with no audio at all. I found multiple files have only 9kbs. I downloaded it a few times. Repackage?
huh thats odd, I just downloaded the mod and it works fine for me. Not sure whats up, Im sorry! Try downloading again maybe in a few hours, maybe it was an error in the download.
any way to get classic NES tunes in there too? awesome btw.
why you dont use the sound when link pick up a item. that should be cool
Zelda gave birth to me in the gaming universe. Thank you for doing this.
No, thank YOU! Im happy you like it!
This is so awesome. Very well played, sir !
I just have one little thing to say, there's no Zelda's music for when you've killed the boss. It's still the vanilla one. That's not very important due to the fact you don't stay that much in that room but well, if you want true immersion... You should add another one for it ^^'.
Yes, thats one I completely forgot about, mainly because I didnt manage to think of a fitting track for that.
Why not the one in Link's Awakening when you defeat a boss in a dungeon ? That's quite simple, not that epic, but I find it kind accurate ^^
Ill look into it! If Ill like it Ill definitely add it and credit you!
Hello there guys, Im glad so many people have liked and Downloaded my mod! I will be updating it soon enough to change even more tracks in afterbirth! I hope you all look forward to it!
Yes, it should work just fine with afterbirth unless they changed something in the music files.
I really love this mod especially the Molgera part
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!