Viewing Mod
The Binding of Isaac: The Lost Lamb
Total Overhaul in DLC size
Created 10 years ago

-Fight new enemies and bosses
-Explore new areas like the icecave, the abyss or the prison
-nearly all floors reskinned
-Find 16+ new Items (with old or completly new functions)
-Try out new characters with special tears or items
-Play as Dragonborn or Gambler
-Test the new secretroom (thanks to Jean-Alphonse for the animation)
-Every room is new, no vanilla rooms anymore
-New music
-Soon more musicpacks at moddb if you dont like the new music
-New sounds
-New animations
-Floorspecific enemies (Icebased Enemies only in the Icecave, etc)
-harder bossfights
-harder Bossrush, Bossrooms and Challenge Rooms
-changed Curse Rooms, Item Rooms, Super Secret Rooms, Devil Rooms, Angel Rooms and I AM ERROR Romms
-optional Hardcoremode at moddb without soulhearts and blackhearts
-and mutch more

Try it out

More infos, newest downloads and more addons (like hardcoremode or musicpacks) at

How to install:
1. Go to "?:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Binding of Isaac Rebirth/resources"
2. remove all mods (it dosen't work with most other mods)
Its a must do thing or it wont work.
To delete the old mods delete everything exept the packed folder.
3. Copy all modfiles inside the resources folder
4. Install the real platinum god save if you don't have one (included in download with instructions)
5. Start and play the Lost Lamb marked savegame

Thanks to persons who gave me the permission to use their mod in my modpack ;D


x 185
This mod contains:
Room Pack
Total Overhaul
New Enemies
New Bosses
New Floors
I honestly had a blast playing it, though I didn't know you're supposed to go to the Sheol after the Satan fight, so I went to the Cathedral and I kept crashing when I got to the Isaac fight, so I just played a seeded run with it and I absolutely loved the final boss.
is it works for Afterbirth
p.s. Cool mod!
I wish somebody could provide me a youtube link with the Caves/Catacombs themes in this addon :C
I followed all of the instructions above, yet my game still crashes upon starting up. If this helps, I have a pirated version of the game. Also, I have afterbirth dlc or the pirated version. If you can help that would be fantastic, thanks.
its definitly because he has the pirated version, as i have seen similar problems.
Also, What the heck is up with Godhead? The halo is now a shadow the size of the tear.
Version 1.0: In the Icecave I, seed 2BJV, Z0CC, there is room that once entered, you can only go forward. The room is 2 rooms up, 2 rooms left, and 2 rooms up again from the starting room. Fortunately, the boss is along the path that can be continued, and I have flight, but still something to be fixed. When you enter the room, you are immediately standing on the water/ice. Then, you can go on the land, whic leads to the rom above you, but not below. It is impossible to go to the room just below it without flight.
Version 1.0: Crash when entering Cathedral Fight Room.
Character: ANY
Seed: ANY
Good to know I'm not the only one who found the issue with the Cathedral boss. Crashes upon entering the room.
Heya (second time).

On the cathedral, as soon as I try to enter the boss room, my game crashes. could you tell me what to do? Or maybe you can fix this.
Hey there! On the cathedral, I tried to use an emperor card. It crashed my game. Any reason why?
i didnt find this mod as anything special, the only thing i really liked was the music. It was really awesome. some of the graphic changes were a bit cut off, such as the duke of flies re-skin, but with some more work, this mod could be really awesome!! keep it up!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!