Viewing Mod
Rainbow Hearts
Changes all heart pickups and health bar into rainbow hearts
Created 10 years ago
Small mod made in celebration of gay marriage being legalized in the states.

* Heart pickups are now all rainbow hearts, although still distinguishable
* The same for hearts in the health bar
* Black heart pop-up when damaged is also rainbow.


x 12
Thanks! I didn't put a ton of time into it, but I like to think I did a pretty decent job.
Not really. It's just a hideous prismatic mess. You can't even tell the're hearts. Just more bandwagoning.
To be fair I'm not really bandwagoning considering that I happen to be transgender and the equal marriage decision applies to a lot of people I care about, but okay.

Also they're literally the exact same shape as hearts in the original game, so your comment is sort of moot.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!