Viewing Mod
Gold tinted rocks
make 'em look pretty, and find them easier
Created 10 years ago
having trouble finding those tinted rocks?
love things that are golden?
well this is the perfect mod for you!

makes the tinted rocks appear gold! fancy


x 172
This mod contains:
mod really useful, especially when it comes Womb and Utero LIKE
THANK YOU U SAVED ME IN WOMB ;-; [i cant see marked rocks in womb]
i accidentally used this on afterbirth for way too long
did you try it? i want to use it for afterbirth too
Wonder if this will get Afterbirth support...
This is so gold. I was looking for something a little less...blingy, but what the hell. :p
Honestly, this makes finding tinted rocks in the womb much easier. (Well duh, it's bright yellow XD)
Good mod for someone like me who can only see the tinted rocks in the basement
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!