Viewing Mod
The Bomber - New Character
Created 3 years ago

The Bomber

This is the bomber. He is cool. He likes boom and goes boom. Starts with Pyromaniac and Kamikaze! However, be careful, as he is blindfolded, and can't shoot! (Works Like Blue Bomber Challenge)


x 6
Wie kann ich die Mod installieren? Ich habe leider insgesamt Schwierigkeiten dass ganze so zu installieren, das keine Abzüge bez. der Trophäen entstehen...
Can you unlock achievements with modded characters? Thank you.
I'm pretty sure you can't. I mean I'll take a closer look because maybe, but based on my current knowledge it does not seem so.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!