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A Better Cain's Other Eye?
Yes! Cain's Other Eye gets an upgrade!
Created 7 years ago
This mod sort of change CoE to make it actually /better/, but makes it still not broken...

It gives it the same status effect as fate's reward, that's to say:
It gives Cain's other eye the same damage and the same tear effects as Isaac, but the tear rate stays the same and special types of tear effects like brimstone, tech-x and Mom's knife won't work.

And it also synergizes with BFF's, to give it twice the damage and a 1/2 bigger Tear size!

Anyway, if you find any bugs just let me know.

And, have fun!


x 1
Hey man, this mod is great! I feel like Abel also deserves a mod like this, it would make it actually kinda useful for once.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!