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Afterbirth+ Custom Challenge Launcher
Make your own challenge runs!
Created 8 years ago

Welcome back!

This is the Afterbirth+ Version of your favorite custom challenge launcher ;-)


-Choose your character!
-Customize starting HP and consumables
-Choose starting trinket and card/pill/rune
-Choose starting items
-Choose the final stage of your challenge!
-Load/save challenge runs and share them through codes or files
-Disable certain special rooms or even devil and/or angel room!
-Apply permanent curses or disable curses!
-Random run generator

If you find any bugs or you have any suggestions feel free to post them and they might be fixed/included in the next version.


Just download the binary and start the .exe file.

Modify anything you want and hit the "Play" Button to start the game.

Choose the "Challenge" menu entry and then hit your "Tab" key to open the custom challenge menu.

Choose your challenge and have fun!


1) Because of this version of the CCL actually creating real Afterbirth+ mods, ACHIEVEMENTS will be DISABLED!

2) The auto generated mod is located here:

C:/Users//Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/CustomChallenge

3) If you want, you may rename this folder and upload your challenge to the steam workshop!

4) The difficulty settings and the item pool editor had the be removed because with the new modding system it's not that easy to modify those things in AB+. If requested I may put some more work into it and try to make it work.

5) People who use a "non-steam" version:
You may need to put the location of your AB+ installation into the AfterbirthPlusCCLauncherConfig.ini file.


x 551

- Added all items + trinkets from Booster #1

please make a repentance version of custom challenge launcher
This caused all new and old mods I had to no longer work because they became invisible. What am I doing wrong?
can we get this for repentance? i will be happy
This is a great mod, I just wish it was updated for repentance
How can i play it in repentance???
Is this possible to block trinket?
Sorry, no but it MAY[ confuse you due to me telling you but the creator should instead.
Does somebody has any idea why Challenges does not apear in Custom Challenges Tab?
can you please update it with the new booster packs
Hey 89141, Can you please update this for Booster Packs 2-5? I, and many others, really want it! Please make the update as soon as possible. love this launcher btw!
Is there a possibility of a Boosterpack 5 Update? There are many ideas I have for starting with Schoolbag and 2 active items.
try to keep her with keeper and Godhead (with a lot of curses)

Anyway, I do not have a custom challenge.
whenever i load into the game with a challenge it wont appear in the custom challenges area. anyone know why?
Is there any chance for a booster pack 5 version?
Also, every time I make a new challenge, the previous one won't load. It doesn't delete or overwrite it, it just doesn't let any other challenges I made appear in-game. Any ideas?
it doeset appear to my custom challenges what do i do?
I can't see the challenges either
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!