Viewing Mod
Rock Bombs
Antibirth Stone Bombs now in Afterbirth+!
Created 8 years ago
Adds a single passive item. While holding Rock Bombs, every bomb created by the player will send out a wave of rock explosions in cardinal directions.

Imitates the stone bombs from Antibirth.
Sprites by Xiapher


x 11

- Now gives 5 bombs on pickup!

- Added Rock Bombs to item pools

Hey KubeRoot, I am working on a mod that adds all the community made items into the game, would you like to participate?
Maybe, add me on steam and we'll see.
Before i read description i wanted to say that it looks like one item in Antibirth :p
Great! but how do i intall, because that bomb is not in the game.
To install you have to unpack it to the Afterbirth+ Mods folder, but if you want the item to be in the pools, you'll have to manually edit them to include it, I don't think there's a proper way to add them yet.
But where´s the mods folder? I don´t known that, can you help me? plz?
If you have Afterbirth Plus, it'll be in Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/

Inside that folder you should put another folder containing the mod's files, which you can recognize by metadata.xml. So, Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/rockbomb/metadata.xml should be there.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!