Viewing Mod
The Binding of Eyesack
A typo gone so right
Created 8 years ago
The Binding of Eyesack is an Afterbirth+ mod, replacing this inferior- "Issac" with an all new character- Eyesack!*


*Eyesack does not come with Polyphemus or Sackhead, all changes are purly cosmetic and do not change stats in anyway, shape, or form.

The Binding of Eyesack is a mod which uses the all new Afterbirth+ modding feature and should mainly use Afterbirth+ (Though i'm sure with a few changes it could be used on Afterbirth)



just place it into the afterbirth+ mods folder (it's in documents inside my games


x 6
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!