Viewing Mod
Making the game fun without cheating
Created 10 years ago
Hey! Afterbirth version has been released, come here!


Sometimes Isaac can be frustrating, yes. A few great mods give you the chance to make it easier by changing gameplay like:
-Adding multiple items to Item Rooms
-Getting OP Items in every item pool
-Much less charge time for items

And so on and so on... The point is, doesn't this feel like cheating? You are getting much more from the game without doing anything... How about a mod that makes having good runs much easier without making the game play by itself? Well, I won't say I managed this (because it's really hard to do), but with this mod I tried my best to make the game more fun to play.


Well, I won't spoil too much to you, but here's an idea of what's gonna change from Vanilla Rebirth:
-Item rooms get more items from other pools (more variety)
-Devil Deals have a few more items in their pool, to make fun synergies more common
-Angel rooms are much stronger, ranging from one to three items (rare but possible)
-Characters who were bad now are much stronger (maybe even OP, I'll try to fix this) to allow random streaks without bad characters
-Sacrifice Rooms are now much more varied and offer various services (slot machines or even, rarely, items)
-Most spacebar items have been buffed, now many will be useful (did anyone else hear "Flush"?)
-Generally, item pools are bigger
-Dark room is slightly harder, to provide a balance to the stronger runs
-More little tweaks to the overall experience

I'd like to note that, besides Special Rooms and the Dark Room, NO ROOMS HAVE BEEN ALTERED. I heavily dislike most of the room packs available and I like the experience Edmund balanced out for us. (Note that you still can use room mods, just remember to install this mod last to get every feature working)

After all of this I'll leave you with the Mod, remember I'm one guy and I can make mistakes (or just have a weird idea of "balance"), if you think anything needs to be changed please write down here Please test this or give this a few shots, I've playing only on this Mod for a few weeks now ;)


x 1188
justvyuff my albom in yuotouoby haha
ik this is a repetitive comment but i put it in the recourse folder and restarted the game but nothing changes
is there a folder or anything that can explain all of the change?
two years ago, but if anyone still wants to know, check the itempools.xml file
how do i install the mod ? i puted in the ressources folder and it doesn't work.(Don't mind my faults i'm french)
in the folder with the packed folder then it will work
you literally just said "did you try to put it in the recourses folder?"
Is good it let me get sacred heart in an item room!
1. "Breath Of Life" Have 2 Charges.
2. "Blank Card" Have (I Think) 6 or 8 Charges.
3. "Maggy" Doesn't On Start Have "Yum Heart"
4. Other Not Helping Thinks In This Mode But I Don't Want Write This Comment...
nice mod! brings some much needed balance (and use when it comes to certain rooms) to the game!
in Russian it means
But if u translate this more correctly, ЕПТА(epta) - means f*ck your mom, but it's short version of this word and often doesn't mean this. Anyway, he just say hello lmao
Learn how to install a mod on the HELP button.
Go to the steam folder (I trust you know how to go there) and put it in resources.
Pretty awesome for casual players or people who want to play it a little more fair. Great mod!
This mod deserves to be famous
i'd say nothing. played this mod for a while, i understand wnat it does. like, awesome, nothing to say else.
нрк апвпавпвапвапвпвап
crush crush crush crush crush crush and crush. good mod
it doesn t work for me, i have copied the files in the resources but it didn t work please help me
I installed this mod long ago, and now I can't seem to undo the effects of this.

Does anyone have the original files and such for me to copy and paste into my game?
i don't know if i'm late but you just need to delete room and player files and the game will automatically set them back to normal
This mod doesn't work very well. it does matter on which platform your using, but it slows down the game ALOT.
Have You updated this to Afterbirth plus?
Can I find this on Steam Workshop? I really wanna try this mod.
what other characters where bad the only one i knew was bad was Simon and that was do to the blood lust change
God, I love this mod.
I would've quit isaac altogether if this mod didn't exist LOL
мод проста супер
Will there be a mod update to Afterbirth+ ?
As I did with Afterbirth, I'll have to play the game for a bit, and think of ways to really balance it out on the easier side, without going overboard with it. There'll be a version, just not in the upcoming month ahahah

This is an awesome mod, but I dont really like it in my game too much... whatever.
I did everything to install the mod,it didnt work,i cant get the afterbirth version since i do not have afterbirth yet.
I mean,i dont really know how to figure out if it works or not..
I give you my half of heart.Very good mod
Yo can you still get achievements and stuff with this mod
i think you can. I have so far, anyway.
Was really looking forward to trying the mod out, seems pretty sweet but unfortunately keeps crashing if its fixed id love to check it out
my isaac keeps crashing? i put it in the resources where the packed is and it says it has stopped working? do u know why?
I've been having the same problem. ;w; Don't know what to do! If I move it, it doesn't work...
game crashes on start only this mod but still amazing mod
I like this mod very much! Is there any way to make a version for "old" Isaac? aka The Binding Of Isaac: Eternal Edition
Sadly, that would require knowledge of flash, which I do not have
I especially like that you made the sacrifice rooms different, those things were useless.
Ohh, Its look cool! I must use it!
nice mod! it'll be very useful for the lost runs!
If I want to combo this mod and Undertale Expansion, what do I need to remove from Undertale, that will not glitch or have sprites?
This mode is toooo easy I fellt toe much powers in me and I kile haunt in 21 hites. I dont liek mane u tooo easy on peolpel
1. Learn how to english 2. Haunt is easy 3. Don't go onto a mod page to complain about your personal opinion of said mod if it is in no way useful to the devs.
so the point of the mod is to make it easier without being cheat like. THE MOD IS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE WORSE AT THE GAME YOU FUCK TART AND LEARN SOME ENGLISH
literally go kys, thanks, and go to kindergarten and learn to spell too
I'm pretty sure he is just trolling
Much less charge time for items?
Don't work with D6.
if you would actually read the text instead of glossing over it you would see that it says that some mods provide that but the modder didn't like that and thus it is not in the fucking mod
Кидаю в ресурсы папку с папкой room не работает,кидаю с доп.файлами то тоже не работает! в чём проблема
удали саму игру в стиме и папку игры а потом заново установи все разрешиться
Really good,but you better leave a bug report link if someone find bug
Doesn't work. Crashes on startup.
one of my favourite mods with godmode
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!