Viewing Mod
Item Room Spawn
Start new games in the item room
Created 8 years ago
This mod will teleport you to the item room as soon as you start a new game. Prevents holding R for 3 days while cheesing it to find an item room attached to the starting room. Only happens on a new save when you spawn on the first floor.


x 40
Be sure to follow this guide if you encounter problems.
To enable achivments on AB+ with this mod you need to put main.lua file here
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources\scripts
If you already have main.lua there then you must copy everything from new main.lua and paste it in the bottom of old main.lua file.
do you need a special editor to view lua files? or just open with notepad?
ok, so I tried installing this with Antibirth, and nothing happened. I extracted the folder into resources. Nothing. I extracted its contents. nothing. I don't know if I'm just doing this wrong, but any suggestions would be helpful.
I wanted to know if it could work with antibirth. But even when I did install it to afterbirth, nothing, rebirth, nothing. It just doesn't do anything
afterbirth+ not the original or afterbirth but afterbirth plus
This is good for people like me who are bad enough to want to start near the item room but don't want to cheat and make the game too easy. Haha.
Great mod idea!
This mod does not work for me at all :/
I don't have Isaac's folder in my game anyone can help me?
I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to figure out how to get it to work. If I can, I'll post here.
I got it to work!
Go to:
C:\Users\YourNameHere/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/
Put the folder named "ItemRoomSpawn" inside the "Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods" folder.
It should work after that. Make sure it's enabled ingame.
As long as you have Afterbirth+, you'll have a mods folder. You just aren't looking in the right place. Did you try the exact place I posted above? (Replace YourNameHere with whatever your user name is, obviously. Lol.)
i did the same thing but it says that the mod is old
How can I make sure that it's enabled? After putting the folder "ItemRoomSpawn" inside the "Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods" folder I launch the game and the menu "Mods" is clear. There is nothing to turn off/on.
It's possible that the most recent AB+ update broke the mod, so you might have to wait for it to be updated again...
Go to the TBOI Folder and in the Packed FOlder (not inside, where is it) put in there the mods archives
Put the whole mod folder (not just its contents) in here -> Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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