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Isaacs Heart to Soul Gem
Become a magical Isaac, decrease the entropy of the universe
Created 9 years ago
Isaac's Heart replaced by purple soul gem (cuz Homura the best) from famous anime about thermodynamics.


x 11
I think describing that anime as "about thermodynamics" is the best completely accurate yet completely misleading thing I have ever heard. That is now my gold standard for "how to say something that is completely true and also completely inaccurate".

Also, love this mod.
what is this? where is it from? why did you make it? why is there so much anime on this site? i just watch youtube so i don't understand the "greatness" of anime.
not saying anime's bad so plz don't flame war me
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!