Viewing Mod
Moving Day
Play as Isaac's familiars.
Created 10 years ago
A mod that allows you to play as Isaac's Familiars! Mod Pack!
Keep in mind that this mod is so new, that I can't believe I'm posting this in this alpha stage, but here. Try it.
This mod will have new everything to, no joke, rooms boss fights, rooms, and new enemies and Items.
You never know, give this mod a try . (the walking animation for the characters is on purpose.)


x 57

- Hades improvements

- This is an exciting update!

- First off, there is a new level that is called "Hades"

- Hades has new rooms and music

- Fixes to rooms and boss HP.

- Grass?

- Bug fixes.

- Fixed model of Glitch baby on it's 2nd life

- Improved rocks, pots, skulls, mushrooms.

- New item pool coming in V3!

- Fixed the fix of the fix of the fix of Glitch baby.

- Last update on that fix.

- Fixed the fix of the fix of Glitch baby.

- Fixed Glitch baby

- New Character! Glitch Baby! or known as an Error.

- New harder and even cooler rooms

- Added a new character (The Lost's Familiar form.)

- The lost is 3x better. Maybe.

- 5% more Vitamin B

- Bug fixes

- Dark Bum (not the character) is now Azazel!

- Fixed dark bums items

- New awesome rooms :D

- New dark bum Character!

- "The friends of Isaac: is on the main screen

- Just added new Icon

- New rooms

- More sounds

- V2 will have a new character! (Dark Bum)

- Fixed the VS names

- Wow, huge list.

- 1st off- New challenges

- Fixed characters name while fighting bosses/mini bosses

- New Rooms

- Easter Eggs

- Fixed graphics

- Fixed rooms

- Better curse rooms

- New Rooms!

- Bug Fixes

This mod contains:
Room Pack
Total Overhaul
Doesn't work on afterbirth unfortunately. I wish it did. Looks fun.
I love the idea of this mod, it's so nice. Starting items and everything is great, so good mod. But one thing; Mega maw fight with them 10 (?) moving spikes is just impossible to do, because in the caves you don't really have that high HP and Mega maw is pretty tanky, please make it easier, take some spikes away or something, it ruins good run pretty quickly
This mod was intended on being a joke really :P
i love this mod! mabey you could make eden and the lost a familiar? i love the animations for sissy longlegs.
Really cool idea, I'll enjoy playing this!
does this stop you using issac and other original characters
Sorry not updates on the mod, working on V.2, going to have sooo much new things
great mod but the blue mom fight is impossible to beat since you can't take or deal damage
Fixing that soon, its something with the custom Champions
I've also found a glitch where no boss spawns in the boss room nd you can't go further
how do you download it to rebirth on steam?
Put the files in this location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources
Can we get a slime familiar? (I want to recommend familiars and I don't mean little gish)
red mom is broken, two eyes chase you down but don't do damage and you can't do damage to them... other than that great mod!
Anyone want a new familiar in the mod? Make requests! I will try my best to make it ;)
Great mod! maybe change some of the characters base stats?
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!