Viewing Mod
Angel and Devil Rooms Combined!
There's Too Many Options!
Created 9 years ago
This mod certainly is an interesting one and it's one I've wanted for a long time. It's pretty much the rule of Isaac: Take Devil Deals because Angel Rooms are garbage. Because of this, there are a lot of fun items that often times we miss out on because Angel Rooms simply aren't viable. This mod changes that. In this mod, Devil Rooms are a lot different. Every Devil Room is split down the center. On the left you have the Devil Statue, yellow fires, a red chest, and two items that cost heart containers. On the right, however, you have an Angel Statue, blue fires, an eternal chest, and two free Angel Items. You will then be able to choose whether to go with the Angel or Devil items and both will certainly be viable choices depending on your current situation. Need some damage? Go to the Satan Section of the room. Low on health because you took so many Devil Deals? Go to the Angel Area of the room. I feel this adds a lot of strategy and allows you to use items you have barely ever saw while at the same time not detracting from the original game too much.

Some things to keep in mind:

There are some limitations of the game engine as currently modding is in a quite limited state. Here are the most important factors...

1) You must choose a Devil Deal for the first time a Devil Room appears every run. Angel rooms are not split like Devil Rooms are and contain an angel item, an eternal chest, and a Joker card to try to help you get to the next Devil Room.
2) You are technically able to take items from both sides of the room. I can't make the items disappear after you take from one side. I can't tell you how to play but I always play by considering I can either choose the Devil Deals and red chest OR the Angel items and eternal chest, never both. It will be up to you to show restraint in not cheating.
3) The D6 does not work well as it will reroll the Angel Items in free Devil Deals. If you absolutely must reroll I would recommend refusing to take the free Devil Items that are on the right side of the room and instead paying for the items on the left
4) Due to limitations I cannot make the Angel Side draw from the Angel Pool. What this means is that there is a room for every possible combination of two Angel Room Items picked out of the 32 that exist in the game. This means that you may see some items that you already saw or picked up in the current run, though this isn't too likely.
5) You can fight the Angel Statue but it will not drop anything.

Anyways despite all that I find it quite fun and interesting to play. If you like this mod be sure to check out the other mods I have such as a mod that lets you capture bosses with the Friendly Ball. and a mod that prevents breakfasting and makes the D4 SUPER FUN I hope you enjoy!


x 57

- Rebalanced Angel Rooms to contain one item. This may be subject to change.

- Put a Joker Card, eternal chest, and two Angel items in Angel Rooms

does this allow me to choose to go to Sheol or Cathedral before I have unlocked the negative and polaroid?
So is this a Devgel mod? But. I like this concept a lot! Sure it is probably really broken but still, mods for TBoI don't have to be perfectly balanced so you get a pass. I like how you added that tiny line between the two rooms, it adds a little something that I like.

You did really good on this mod, and it would appear to work just as advertised. Good job!
Make it so Angel deals cost a key, a bomb, and a heart.
no easier to get the mega satin fight
Cool! But a bit over-powered... It's still cool!
I just got my devil deal no angel deal with it
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!