Viewing Mod
The Polling of Isaac †
Twitch plays TBoI!
Created 9 years ago
This is a remake of The Polling of Isaac but for Afterbirth†!

This mod will place 4 items in every item room for you to choose from, rather than 1. Rooms like Double-Key Room, Error Room or Curse Room are also affected.

The idea is that when you reach an item room, a poll is launched in your chat voting for #1 through #4. You must take only the winning result, regardless of how bad it may be for you or how much better the other choices were.

Additionaly angel and devil deals may also have 3 items in them that you can also run a poll on. You can use 1-4 again here, with 4 representing not taking a devil deal.

Finally, this mod also works with Greed Mode.


x 104

- Minor bug fix

- Subscribe the mod on Steam!

- Updated for Afterbirth†

- Now works with Agony of Isaac mod! (You have to install Agony first and then install Polling on top of it from "Agony of Isaac Mod" folder)

- Now works with Greed Mode! Yay!

- D4, D6 and D100 are now allowed

- More Options should no longer appear

- Fixed the case where sometimes you would still get one item room. This should never happen now..

- Second hotfix (final)

- Quick hotfix

it doesnt work, is there a version for regular afterbirth?
Afterbirth version is located inside the zip file.
The mod is crashing at launch, i have all the files except the directions in my "resources" folder.
I'm using afterbirth DLC.
It's not working for me, i did what was said in the read me file and the mod appears in the "Mods" menu but when i launch a run the game crashes
Try installing it from Steam Workshop if you can
Do I need some kind of mod launcher? I've tried putting the files into the resource folder already but nothing has changed.
And you put both items.xml and "rooms" folder into the "resource" folder?
Thank you so much. I'm bad when it comes to modding
Will you ever make it so you can only take one item per treasure room?
I doubt, it is a feature that people seem to enjoy. Also some streamers have option to vote for all items.
If anybody here streams with this mod reply and I'll watch, I'd love to vote on some polls
Hey, I'm one of Hutts' subscribers. Is there any way that you could add make it so when you're in the item/devil/angel room the game's clock is paused so you don't have to pause the game yourself and cover the items with the menu?
Might not be possible with the current Lua API.
I checked and everything works fine, are you sure you installed it correctly?
I believe so, i followed the instructions in the !README! document
never mind I got it to work, is there a way to have the mod without disabling achievements?
Unfortunately not right. I'm strongly against mods disabling achievements but unfortunately the only chance is complaining directly to Nicalis, maybe they will listen.
will there also be a version for afterbirth+ that would be great
Yes, I plan on doing that, in a few days.
when will you be done thanks so much
First release might even be up today. Unfortunately no Twitch integration yet though.
how do you connect your twitch to it because i cant find any tutorials
Streamers just make polls and then choose item depending on that. Currently TBoI doesn't allow for Twitch connections unfortunately.
I extracted the file into the correct folder but the mod does not work. I always have only 1 item in the rooms. What did I do wrong?
Could you show me a screenshot of how you installed it?
Just do a screenshot of the folder you installed it into and upload it somewhere like imgur.
You are supposed to copy files from "Afterbirth Version", not the entire folder.
Oh! I see! I will try that and let you know if it works. Thanks mate!
ok so found out what to do but when i drag and drop the files over by the "packed" folder and load the game up... it does nothing... no changes... vanilla game... what am i doing wrong
This site has instruction for installing mods here:

Perhaps you can find help there?
I dont know what im supposed to be doing...what does "unzip" and all that mean when installing it... does anyone have a actual detailed list i can look at for each thing im supposed to click or a video that isnt some kid talking fast.
i cant get it to work i dont know why i get god mode and like that too work but none of them that has with item rooms please help
i cant get it to work i dont know why i get god mode and like that too work but none of them that has with item rooms pllease help

GREAT MOD! perfect for streamers, but it could be more balanced
What would you do to balance it? Because for me it seems fun.
apart from taking 2 items and having the rest despawn, you should have it so chaos doesn't effect the item rooms, so you cant get things like godhead on the second or third floor. apart from that its just all round good.
apart from taking 2 items and having the rest despawn (which should be editable in the settings/config), you should have it so chaos doesn't effect the item rooms, so you cant get things like godhead on the second or third floor. apart from that its just all round good.
you should make it when you pick up a item the other 3 vanish like more options and theres options
Many people said that they like that you can do so, so I'm going to leave it in for now.
you should make it when you pick up a item the other 3 vanish like more options and theres options
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!