Viewing Mod
The Polling of Isaac
An Audience Participation Mod
Created 10 years ago
I like to get my viewers involved in my streams, so I created a simple mod for Isaac that would let them choose my build for me in its entirety. This mod will place 4 items in every item room for you to choose from, rather than 1.

The idea is that when you reach an item room, a poll is launched in your chat voting for #1 through #4. You must take only the winning result, regardless of how bad it may be for you or how much better the other choices were. You could alternatively vote BEFORE getting to the room to be salty along with your chat, rather than only by your chat.

The default file also modifies all angel and devil deals to have 3 items in them that you can also run a poll on. You can use 1-4 again here, with 4 representing not taking a devil deal. If you want the Angel/Devil deals left alone, there is a second file included that you can use that will only change item rooms; Just replace the other one with it. All other rooms (chest, shop, boss rush, etc.) were all left untouched in both versions.

Notes: I wanted the other items to disappear (like in the boss rush) when one's picked, but unfortunately getting that seems to be beyond my grasp at this time. You'll just have to use the honor system!

I've found that, as I expected, my stream ( really loves to choose soy milk. But otherwise, they have often been more helpful than hurtful towards my run. Because of the number of choices, builds tend to be either grossly overpowered or severely handicapped. I'd love to hear about your results. This is a rather niche mod, but I'm uploading it in case another broadcaster has as much fun with it as I've had so far.

Installation: Unzip into your Isaac Resources folder. Includes a special rooms and title screen replacement file, as well as a 2nd room replacement file that does nothing unless renamed.


x 119
This mod contains:
Room Pack
Cheats & Tweaks
It's not working. Is there any support mods needed for this mod?
Doesn't work for me any help? I dragged the afterbirth+ 1 into my mods directory and when I enable it and start my game crashes.
I want to know how to install this to anitbirth
Anyone know how to make the items not disappear? I thought this wasn't possible, but I saw hutts using this mod for both rebirth and antibirth, and items never disappeared. :/
i need it for afterbirth, not plus
How do you put this in the ab+ folder
How do you install this w/ antibirth? Is it possible?
If it does work, the way you would do it is to put the rooms folder in the resource folder, the resource folder for antibirth not rebirth, afterbirth, and afterbirth+
How do you make it so when u take one item the others don't dissapear? I have seen this on streams. But i would like to know how so 2 player antibirth is easier.
That's only on the afterbirth version, and antibirth is a mod for rebirth so that's not currently possible unless you re-create the mod, but if you're playing co-op you could pick the items up at the same time to get two items.
So... how do youtubers do it on afterbirth? I tried it with afterbirth and ab+ but they go away..
@massgamingthepyro You can't link this mod with Twitch but you have to use a web site that isn't part of the mod to do so
If anybody here streams with this mod reply and I'll watch, I'd love to vote on some polls
You Should Make A Separate File For This So If You Do Get A 50/50 Vote You Can Take Both
Anyone know some Great seeds for it???
everytime i start a new run now the game stops working... what now?
if you just delete your "rooms" file you should be good, that's what i did and it seems to be working fine now!
Wanted to stream it, I can open TBoI normally, but as soon as I start a run my game just crashes :/ Help pls
nice mod i use it to make my runs a bit better by choosing 1 item(the best of course (-
i have downloaded the mod and the rooms dont show up... what do i do?
How does one configure the mods settings That is the link for afterbirth for everyone
that's afterbirth plus not afterbirth
that was 10 months ago, so i think they've changed it :T
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!