Viewing Mod
Non-Demonic/Satanic Stuff
Changing all Devil related Stuff
Created 9 years ago
Afterbirth & Rebirth Compatible

Current Version: 2.01


I have completely dumbed and discontinued this specific mod. The reason is that the latest update for it was extremely rushed and dumb. It made no real sense and it is hideous. However, im (alone) starting all over from scratch with the same idea but making it a lot better, better ideas, better artwork, everything.
The mod is far from done, its impossible for me to say how long it will take, but i hope that someday it'll be seen on the STEAM WORKSHOP
- Phoenix7000

Q: What does this mod do?
A: This mod changes the textures of an item devil related. The items arent different in terms of what they do.

Feel welcome to write down your feedback, and if you got any ideas, please feel free to suggest them in the comment section

How to install:
1. Go to your steam library (Default): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
2. Go to steamapps>common>The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
3. Go to "resources" and put the "gfx" and the "items.xml" files from your download into the "resources" folder

Feel free to write ideas private on my E-mail address:

Mod made by:
Jona-Chan & Birdie


x 19

- Minor fail fix

hey, im the developer of the Hemophobia Mod (the blood remover) and i was wondering if i could help you with this, i tried making a mod like this called "Religiophobia" for my phobia collection but i never did it in the end, if you allow me to help i can do better sprites and come up with news ideas. my Discord is Soulsciety#4121 and my Steam Profile is, waiting for a response, see ya!
I like this mod. since my mother said (you know?... high religous stuff) that this is a satanic game. Bless you
You should really remove everything religious with this mod
I think the fact that this has to exist proves how sensitive most of the internet is
Think of the triggered! Someone could have, like, severe PTSD from all the satanic themes kappa
Personally, I do not prefer this mod, as it ruins one of the best parts of the game, making Devil Deals. I am not religious in any way possible, nor do I support "greater beings." But with this being a video game, anything is possible, and if people don't want the imagery of making Devil Deals as it goes against their religion, fine then. In all honesty, if you don't like the imagery, don't play a game that has a boy crying on enemies to literally turn them into puddles of blood on the ground or even explode. All the same, 6/10 mod, good effort, but it defeats the purpose.
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about this mod.
The negatives: If one of the points to this mod is to make the game less disturbing and more pleasant for younger players, then maybe you should also change things like the abortion references.
The positives: This seems like a well designed mod for people who aren't a fan of the satanic imagery. Me, being an Agnostic Atheist, though, is not going to download this.
Looking forward to seeing what more updates will bring.
Why would you change the satanic stuff without changing all the other biblical stuff?
You are making it seem like satan isn't real.

Not to mention this is a beautiful game and this mod would potentially ruin it.
I like your opinion on the biblical stuff to be removed and we have thought about it... But we are still changing the satanic stuff... Thanks for your feedback and opinion though!
Hey Just A Question Do You Have Skype Or Something So I Can Ask You Some Stuff In Private?
Yeah sure, can't you just sent me an E-mail? I promise i will reply as quickly as possible...
The Bible and Jesus is with us as we have found the holy savior of this game. Let's all say our prayers to this young holy gentleman of God
Make the game seem more religiously biased. Why not?
Yes, all hail THE MIGHTY GOAT!! ;D
"The Goat Lord" Satan is a very good idea
1. The game crashes whenever I enter a treasure room
2. The game crashes whenever I use the Book of Belail as Judas
Im not sure why it crashes, maybe it interacts with another mod you have installed? Try clear all of your mod files and re-install this mod
What will happen when the kid goes to look up an item to see what it does and cant find it? It'd be easier to just not get the game for your kid if you dont think what is in it is appropriate
Satan, mega satan, and the Satan statue should be turned into Stan, Mega stan, and the Stan statue, so you can take Deals with that shady guy in the alley, Stan.
And Mega blast would be Stan blast
Some bearded guy who'd look like he'd sell you stuff in an alley
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!