Viewing Mod
The 7 Playable Sins
Inspired by Reddit
Created 9 years ago
This mod is loosely based of a post on reddit by a user called Handsome_Claptrap. In it, he made creative 7 Sins transformation ideas. This mod is nowhere near as creative as that post.

Characters to sins:

Isaac: Pride

Maggy: Sloth (yes I know there's a transformation)

Cain: Wrath (he has Bomber Boy for design consistency)

Judas: Envy (trollface ;))

Eve: Lust

Azazel: Gluttony (powerful with insanely slow charge)

Greed is already done as Keeper so nothing changed there.

I know some of these are better than others, like Wrath and Envy. Hey, I tried.

Post this is based off:

yes i know the thumbnail quality sucks i used paint ok


x 8
Задумка классная но мод ещё сырой.
согласен. например скин гнева можно и получше сделать.
Ну вообще можно ещё переделать на AB+
Wow, looks like some people beat you to it.
nice mod looks cool will it work on my pc tho
this looks kool, the question is will it work....
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!