Class "ItemConfig"⚓︎
Get·Card ()⚓︎
const ItemConfig Card GetCard ( Card ID )⚓︎
Get·Cards ()⚓︎
const CardList GetCards ( )⚓︎
Calling Get() in this list does not return usable userdata, rendering it useless for that purpose.
Get·Collectible ()⚓︎
const ItemConfig Item GetCollectible ( int ID )⚓︎
Returns the Itemobject of a given CollectibleID.
Example Code
This Code gets the highest possible collectibleid including modded items. It uses the Binary Search algorithm to do it. Using GetCollectible(): (recommended!)
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Get·Collectibles ()⚓︎
const ItemList GetCollectibles ( )⚓︎
Returns the List of all Collectibles.
Example Code
This Code gets the highest possible collectibleid including modded items.
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Calling Get() in this list does not return usable userdata, rendering it useless for that purpose.
Get·Costumes ()⚓︎
const CostumeList GetCostumes ( )⚓︎
The list returned by this function is always empty, rendering it useless.
Get·Null·Item ()⚓︎
const ItemConfig Item GetNullItem ( int ID )⚓︎
Get·Null·Items ()⚓︎
const ItemList GetNullItems ( )⚓︎
Calling Get() in this list does not return usable userdata, rendering it useless for that purpose.
Get·Pill·Effect ()⚓︎
const ItemConfig PillEffect GetPillEffect ( PillEffect ID )⚓︎
Get·Pill·Effects ()⚓︎
const PillList GetPillEffects ( )⚓︎
Calling Get() in this list does not return usable userdata, rendering it useless for that purpose.
Get·Trinket ()⚓︎
const ItemConfig Item GetTrinket ( int ID )⚓︎
Get·Trinkets ()⚓︎
const ItemList GetTrinkets ( )⚓︎
Calling Get() in this list does not return usable userdata, rendering it useless for that purpose.
Is·Valid·Collectible ()⚓︎
static boolean IsValidCollectible ( CollectibleType ID )⚓︎
Function to check if a given item id is a valid collectible id (aka. this item exists). Returns True when it exists and False when it doesnt.
Example Code
This Code checks, if the item "Sad Onion" (ID: 1) exists.
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This function returns false for modded items! Use itemConfig:GetCollectible() instead.