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Greed Mode Donation Machine Farm
this mod allows you to fill up the greed Donation Machine in 1h
Created 9 years ago

This mod allows you to fill up the Greed Donation machine to 999+1 coins in less than an hour to get the keeper and other achievements .

NOTICE: This mod only affects the basement floor of the greedmode.

This mod spawns the Donation machine + a dollar in the basement of greedmode and allows you to donate instantly with every character.

How to install

Read the Readme.txt or read here: Installation

What to do when the machine is crashing

simply try to change between all characters while using this mod. this will reset the probability of jamming.

if you cant fill the machine over the value of "109" you are using an out of date installation of isaac. please update the game


x 1723

- fixed install instructions for x64 windows.

- Added Readme file

- Added Readme file

- Moved the machine and the dollar closer to the spawnpoint

- Now spawns the greed donation maschine + a dollar in the basement :) (thanks @ /u/williamwiggles for the suggestion)

- removed overpowered maggy

yes do it m8 bring it back with the power of repentence and 34 charechters
am I really gonna defile this mode for keeper?

of course I am!

thank you so much for making this mod!
Thank God for this mod, I hate greed mode so this is perfect for achievemnts. Works great.
Is there a Repentance version out here somehwere?
Just wondering if this mod will be updated for Repentance?
if it doesnt even work on afterbirth+ i doubt it will be updated to repentance
Would you consider making an AB+ version of the mod? That would be much appreciated
That moment when I'm too lazy to actually play the game:
Hi, i followed clearly every step, one by one and there is nothing in the basement.
Is there the same problem with someone here ?
It doesn't work on PC- afterbirth+

in AB+ any mods don't give you achievments. (You are able to get them only when mods are disabled.)
Thats wrong. You can get Achievements when you have mods active. You just have to kill moms foot at least once for it.
if you want the achievements open the console
This Is A Pretty Good Mod For People Who Have Things To Do..Or In My Case People Who Have All The Time In The World But Are Impatient.

7/10 Spuds, ~Thor
it won't work anymore due to it now rewinding donations after booster pack #5's release.
how do you unpack? it please help me :C

do this for afterbirth +, pllease
Download CCL And Give Your Self MAX Coins and keep reseting with this mod
CCL Is Easy to Download
Save (Not Save as)
Then OPEN (for free no download)
then a file pops up
The only file in there but u have to click it
Double click it
Once u are done with the Strat
Click SAVE and click SAVE again then click Yes (if it wont pop up it means Yes already)
then click revert to game Click the Green thing that says Open Game and wait! Then do GREED MODE (also if u do a char u don't have it wont work) Greed mode than just get the coins in (set ur coins to max) And FREE KEEPER
or just watch videos and get godhead XD ez to get godhead just get a angel room and rarely u get it and u unlock it for CCL
Or you just use the console to unlock the achievment
I shall not cheat thank you... I like doing things the hard way.
I got keeper legit. I used glowing hourglass...
I cant see a resources folder anywhere. Please Help.
PLZ fix this, Doesn't work on ab+ I just tested it only ab works
Will this be updated to be Afterbirth+ compatible? Or will it already work? (I'm wary of installing Afterbirth+ without knowing what mods I may have to give up as being incompatible with it first...)
it should work with ab+, if you install it manually. (havnt tested it, tho)
I don't own Afterbirth+ yet, as I mentioned, but if/when I get it, I'll give it a test. Thanks for the reply, though!
ok i did everything i unlock kepper on afterbirth and now i want to ask how can i have kepper on afterbirth+
Looking at this when I farmed for 5+ hours legit -_- I'm disappointed
Change characters often! i used isaac heaps at the start and the machine jammed after 2-3 coins, then i changed to magdalene and i put in the whole 99c!! Love this mod btw thanks
I played greedier mode normally and put in a whole 142$
I've been lazy to put the last 14 coins :v
How do I import the achievements on my afterbirth+ state or isn't that possible cause I dunno how to do that
Everything is good but i haven t god a razor for Evve
you have to unlock the Razor itself for eve as well. Unlock condition is : Defeat Satan as Eve
I'm at 900coins... or i would be if the fkn thing would stop jamming after 20 coins every other time... thanks for "fixing" this obviously broken mechanic
there's a mod for the jammings. It's on Steam Workshop so you can get it no problem. It's called the Oil Can Trinket:
thx! tried using cheat engine but didn't know the machine could jam, since it was my first greed run (wanted to unlock lilith)
i succeeded in my original quest, but couldn't fill up the machine fullly to get keeper (the last character to unlock). this really helps!
aww m8, this deserves an oscar, no wait. 10!
i can finally unlock keeper without having to put effort in the game
You have already put too much effort in it you could have used the console instead of downloading an whole mod xD
well the thing is
So If I were to uninstall afterbirth+, fill up the greed machine and then re-install afterbirth+, would there be anyway to keep the perks of having the greed machine filled up?
as far as i can tell the game would give u those perks after entering a penny as this will force the game to do a check to see if you have what ur supposed to have.
It does work in ab+, you just have to manually port it.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
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