Viewing Mod
Banana Tears
Wide Tears -> Banana Tears
Created 9 years ago

Inspired by this mod

Turns wide tears into bananas


Someone featured it in a video


x 72
Can someone help me with how to download this mod? I put it into the resources folder but nothing is happening
don't have the banana tears folder in the resources at all juts open the folder and drag and drop the gfx folder into resources only
this mod is brought to you by minions
could i use this mod for a comunity remix called ``the modding of isaac``?
alright! ill be sure to credit you and everyone else involved
Awesome mod! great detail too
The Bananas magically explode into water... Waternana!
Time for a fruit-tears mod!
Pupula Duplex:Bananas
Blood Clot:Tomatos (yes it's fruit)
Number One:Lemons
Soy Milk: White Grapes
When afterbirth+ comes out! Not possible yet.
I'M A BANAN- oh wait, my tears are. Huh.
This item should turn you into a monkey.
Great, Thanks for making this. Now my mod that I made for my favourite streamer was not featured because of you. If I would of never made that mod, You would of never made this. "Inspired by" my ass.
It Happens... Trust Me Its Happened More To Me Than U Probably
Yea I know... It's life I guess.
"happened more to me than u"
>has posted exactly 0 mods
your mod literally just gave the characters the item that makes tears have the same shape as a banana. your mod was terrible. this mod is good.
It was made for a streamer dumbass. Research before you be an asshole.
i'm not sure being made for a streamer means the mod isn't really stupid and low-quality.
I never said it was "really stupid and low-quality" It was a simple request. I guess you can't read because I updated the title.
oh wow you changed the title now the mod is infinitely better and deserves the Seal of Approval
I don't think your little mind gets the point...
"Now my mod that I made for my favourite streamer was not featured because of you."

this is you implying your mod was good enough to get a Seal of Approval. fairly certain your point changed mysteriously.
I don't give a shit about the approval, He asked for what I made, Not for this.
oh look a direct denial of your own statement truly a professional argument
When did I say that I wanted a seal of approval?
you said you wanted it featured. please elaborate on what that means, and why this mod overtakes it.
In a Youtube video by the streamer.
"and why this mod overtakes it." where's that bit?
Because his was featured instead of mine.
Cause' he saw his mod first. His mod's WAY better than mine, Great art work. But it's the fact that this mod wouldn't exist if I would have not made my mod. My mod was dedication for the Streamer, While this mod was not.
I guess I shouldn't be so butthurt over it since he made a 3 part series of my other mod... I should be happy enough as it is.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!