Viewing Mod
Created 9 years ago
Wassup everyone! This is my overpowered mod! Right now, it makes everyone except for Eve and Samson OP.(Keeper now works )

Pretty much everyone starts with brimstone, (except for Judas, but he's still OP AS HELL) and some other synergies.

Achievements work with this file, so it should be pretty easy to get any items you want )


x 20

- Keeper compatibility added

This mod contains:
does this mod work with AfterBirth+?
this mod was made before ab+, and the title also suggests it's not compatible
can you make an afterbirth+ version. please
I am on mac and when I try to start a run Isaac freezes please help?
can you post pictures so we can see what it looks like please? I would really appreciate it!
great mod c:
keep up the great work.
Can you post pictures so we can see what it looks like please? I would really appreciate it!
If you want to know why I haven't updated this mod or posted new ones, its because i'm starting to play other games, and i'm not creative at all. I would gladly take suggestions for a new mod, or new combinations for this mod .
I have a really good idea for a mod! You should make it so the music sounds like the music in afterbirth godmode! And you should make extra challenges! Extra hard!
what do you put in the rescources do you put in the plyers or the actual resources folder
you put it where you put every mod. The resources folder in the resources folder.
You should do something on RANDOM! Like starting with, one run, synergy like Mom's Knife + Brimstone + Spoon Bender. And on the second run, Epic Fetus + Quad Shot + Monstro's Lung!
um, im not entirely sure thats possible. XD

but actually you just gave me an idea for a new mod!! thx!
well, last I checked it did. They might have patched it.
Its not working for me for some reason i cri ;-;
did you put it in the right place? If you're using mac, right click rebirth in the steam launcher, then press properties, then local files, then right click the picture of isaac and press see package content. then open resources, then open the resources in resources and put it in there
I don't think so, because it has keeper and lilith, and because it uses afterbirth items. So that would be a no.
if you want, I could try to make a rebirth version. It might take a bit longer than usual though, because I'll be on vacation
Its not working for me for some reason i cri ;-;
Don't cry! all you need to do is right click on the little windows thing in the corner of the desktop and than click run. Next type in E:\Programs\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources Finally you put the .Zip file onto your desktop than drag it into the folder and than voila your mod had been downloaded have fun!
Oh and by the way the / is the slash mark
UGH the I is the slash mark!!!!!! /
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!