Viewing Mod
cHUD Alternative (for Afterbirth)
Adds colour to the "paper" menus
Created 9 years ago
Afterbirth+ version available here and on steamworks. Steamworks version works as an expansion to official cHUD and therefore also includes the latest updates from TRPG's mod.

An alternative version of 304's cHUD created while waiting for the official Afterbirth update (which is out now HERE:

Compared to the original cHUD this has a little more of the texts and menu backgrounds coloured than TRPG's version originally had.
I'm leaving it here for those who prefer the 'even more colour' option otherwise go and download TRPG's version instead.

Painted item previews, boss previews on death screens, char screen, background doodles.

Updated a few missing items not painted from the original and fixed some transparent graphics bugs.

Coloured all loading images using 94714's '977' as the base.

From the original mod:

Previously known as Better Item Icons, cHUD is a mod that colors sprites in the menus like the pause menu, character select screen, and more!

Shoutout to /u/Lecek for suggesting tons of features when cHUD used to be on /r/moddingofisaac!


x 238

- All loading images tinted [Used Super-CollidingSuperButton's 'Prettier Loading Images' as a base]

- Painted the completion widget (missed it before)

- Painted the Keeper (let me know if anything looks off - don't have him unlocked yet)

- Painted the newly available items for the item preview page

- Painted Lilith's and Keeper's names

- Fixed Eden's name to use the font graphic from AB instead of the old version from Rebirth

- All of the scribbles in the background painted! (200%more colorful barfs, 'oh god what is this brown goo on my screen' edition)

- Fixed the half-transparent grey pixels around some texts and graphics to be tinted the same colour as the parent graphic (char names were the biggest offenders)

- Trimmed 1 not needed file which was same as the original

- Added more colour to the characters on the character menu

- Minor fixes to item colouring to prevent possible transparency issues

- Item list updated with the items from the last patch

- Toned down the colour of some fonts to make it seem less like magic marker and more like crayon-painted (like the main menu).

- Removed unneccesary files

Will this be updated for Afterbirth+ ?
i love all the colors, i was getting really tired of all the black and white
Слишком много цветов
How do I change the color of the question marks in the item (stuff I found) menu? I'd much prefer black over red.
The file responsible for that is 'resources/gfx/ui/death items.png'
Exchange it for this one to have dark question marks and painted items:
Thanks! That file link didn't work though.
Huh. Filedropper keeps the file for 7-10 days only I think.
Must have missed it
Anyways: you'd have to open the file with an editor that support transparencies and find the 3 question marks on the item grid - you can then colour them any shade you like.
Just copy into the Binding of Isaac game folder so the 'Resources' folder is in the same place as the isaac.exe file
Yay Colorz Makes The Menus look so much Cooler
This is a really good mod!
I especially love the fact that everything in the menus are working great.
Well... Everything isn't colored. Like the hanged man in the BG of the Title Screen. But it's cool because every stat has a color.
The hangman is coloured but it's very subtle. Gave him the dark grey colour of the keepers. In the original he was plain white as the BG.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!