Viewing Mod
The Binding of Pokemon
Gotta Bind 'em All!
Created 9 years ago

Now every character has a Pokemon texture! for more screenshots and information about the mod.

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Official TBoP swag!
Satisfied trainers:


x 577

- All characters have been updated!

- Brock (Judas) added

- Professor Oak (Lazarus) added

- Ditto (Eden) added [Including Lucario, Sceptile, Walrein, Ludicolo, Magmar, Swampert, Zangoose, Electabuzz, and Nidoking]

- Wailmer (Hush) added

- Miltank (The Bloat) added

- Spheal (Hush Boils) added

- Golduck (Hush Minions) added

- Metapod & Kakuna (Hangers) added

- Rowlet (Dukie) added

- Pinsir (Begotten) added

- Jigglypuff (Gaping Maw) added

- Swoobat (Fat Bat added

- Seedot (Butt Lickers) added

- Lampent (Psychic Maw) added

- Wurmple (Brain) added

- Volbeat (Sucker) added

- Illumise (Spit) added

- Angel room door now has an Arceus frame

- Devil room door now has a Giratina frame

- Wailmer, Metagross, Lampharos, Dugtrio, Swalot, Squirtle boss portraits added by @Renog727

- Baltoy changed to Red Maw

- items.xml updated

- Character menu updated (can you spot the 3 easter eggs?)

- Title Menu updated

- minimap 2 updated

- Music added (@loicnolot)

- Boss Portraits for Gyarados/Hollow, Grimer/Monstro, Koffing/Duke of Flies, Chansey/Peep, Pikachu/Loki, Gengar/Haunt, and Hoopa/Little Horn added (@Renog727)

- Pokemart/Shop added

- Pokemon trainer/Shopkeepers added (@loicnolot)

- Bronzor/Drowned Fly fixed

- Additional Digletts added

- Black Alataria fixed

- Various bug fixes

- Angel & Angel2 are now Ho-Oh & Shiny Ho-Oh, respectively. (Lugia and Shadow Lugia on the way. This takes time, please don't yell at me please.)

- Gary added as Cain

- Mewtwo added as Lilith (@TheHarDeOne)

- Character Menu Updated to include all 9 characters (Thanks for the Misty icon, @ThatBlondie67)

- Bosses now have nameplates before battle

- Onix, Poliwag, and Snorlax have boss portraits (@Renog727)

- ?Guppy transformation is now Mew

- ?Spun transformation is now Spinda (@Renog727)

- Cthulhu transformation is now Tentacruel

- ?Fun Guy transformation is now Amoonguss

- ?Forest (Basement) L shape rooms have been updated

- Pottishes (idea by @Renog727) and Rock Smash rocks added

- Evil Twin is now Shiny Charizard

- Mulliboom is now Tangella with Voltorb

- Mulligan is now Tangella

- ?Mulligoon is now Shiny Tangella

- Drowned Boomfly is now Bronzor

- Small Baby Long Legs is now Spinarak

- Small Crazy Long Legs is now Spinarak

- Heart Drops are now berries (@RaptorRhythm)

- Grimer just got a whole lot goopier

- Joltick (Trite) bug fix

- Spoink (Hopper & Leaper) bug fix

- Combee and Shiny Combee switched

- Magcargo and Shiny Magcargo switched

- Red Boom Fly now more blue (Da bo dee, da bo die)

- items.xml updated

- players.xml updated

- Nipples hidden within

- Holy moly, Thor! Right? This has consumed me.

- Angel & Angel2 are now Ho-Oh & Shiny Ho-Oh, respectively. (Lugia and Shadow Lugia on the way. This takes time, please don't yell at me please.)

- Gary added as Cain

- Mewtwo added as Lilith (@TheHarDeOne)

- Character Menu Updated to include all 9 characters (Thanks for the Misty icon, @ThatBlondie67)

- Bosses now have nameplates before battle

- Onix, Poliwag, and Snorlax have boss portraits (@Renog727)

- ?Guppy transformation is now Mew

- ?Spun transformation is now Spinda (@Renog727)

- Cthulhu transformation is now Tentacruel

- ?Fun Guy transformation is now Amoonguss

- ?Forest (Basement) L shape rooms have been updated

- Pottishes (idea by @Renog727) and Rock Smash rocks added

- Evil Twin is now Shiny Charizard

- Mulliboom is now Tangella with Voltorb

- Mulligan is now Tangella

- ?Mulligoon is now Shiny Tangella

- Drowned Boomfly is now Bronzor

- Small Baby Long Legs is now Spinarak

- Small Crazy Long Legs is now Spinarak

- Heart Drops are now berries (@RaptorRhythm)

- Grimer just got a whole lot goopier

- Joltick (Trite) bug fix

- Spoink (Hopper & Leaper) bug fix

- Combee and Shiny Combee switched

- Magcargo and Shiny Magcargo switched

- Red Boom Fly now more blue (Da bo dee, da bo die)

- items.xml updated

- players.xml updated

- Nipples hidden within

- Holy moly, Thor! Right? This has consumed me.

- v1.4

- Optimized for Afterbirth

- Meowth added as Greed

- Misty added as Magdalene

- Gengar added as The Haunt

- Hoopa added as Little Horn

- Combee added as Full Fly

- Shiny Combee added as Level 2 Fly

- Magnemite added as Fly

- Double Magnemite added as Moterfly

- Spoink added as Hopper & Flaming Hopper

- Shiny Spoink added as Leaper

- Beedrill added as Pooter

- Shiny Beedrill added as Super Pooter

- Shiny Diglett added as Parabite

- Womb variant of Dugrtio changed to shiny version

- Basement redone as Forest

- MissingNo. added as GB Bug familiar

- Character Menu updated for Meowth and Misty

- items.xml updated

- players.xml updated

- Various bugs terminated


- v1.3

- Charizard added as Azazel (and the Lord of the Pit Wings)

- Aegislash added as a Mask

- Ludisc added as the heart to the Mask

- Silcoon added as Membrane

- Host updated to shiny Magcargo

- Flesh head and Dank head updated as Glalies

- Friendly ball is now a Pokeball

- Paracsect (Big Spider) minor adjustments for a huge impact

- Main and title screens adjusted (@TheHarDeOne)

- Jessie (Eve), James (Samson), Squirtle (Blue Baby), and Ash (Isaac) optimized for Afterbirth (@TheHarDeOne)

- Various changes to death screen

- Bombs updated! (@TheHarDeOne)

- Bugs safely brought outside (via napkin)


- v1.2

- Gish is now Swalot

- Clots are now Gulpin

- Hosts are Magcargo

- Duck Stone differentiation disputed

- Minimaps updated

- Hud Bombs updated

- The following three are brought to us by @TheHarDeOne

- Item names updated

- Character Names updated

- Death screen updated


- v1.1

- Charger is now Ekans!

- Eve is now Jesse

- Samson is now James

- Psychic Maw is now Baltoy

- Parasect and Paras are now Big Spider and Spider, respectively

- Ragling is now Shiny Joltik

- Red Boom Fly is now a Shiny Venonat

- Koffing has been updated

- v1.4

- Optimized for Afterbirth

- Meowth added as Greed??

- Misty added as Magdalene

- Gengar added as The Haunt

- Hoopa added as Little Horn

- Combee added as Full Fly

- Shiny Combee added as Level 2 Fly

- Magnemite added as Fly

- Double Magnemite added as Moterfly

- Spoink added as Hopper & Flaming Hopper

- Shiny Spoink added as Leaper

- Beedrill added as Pooter

- Shiny Beedrill added as Super Pooter

- Shiny Diglett added as Parabite

- Womb variant of Dugrtio changed to shiny version

- Basement redone as Forest

- MissingNo. added as GB Bug familiar

- ?Character Menu updated for Meowth and Misty

- items.xml updated

- players.xml updated

- ?Various bugs terminated

- v1.3

- Charizard added as Azazel (and the Lord of the Pit Wings)

- Aegislash added as a Mask

- Ludisc added as the heart to the Mask

- ?Silcoon added as Membrane

- Host updated to shiny Magcargo

- Flesh head and Dank head updated as Glalies

- ?Friendly ball is now a Pokeball

- Paracsect (Big Spider) minor adjustments for a huge impact

- Main and title screens adjusted (@TheHarDeOne)

- Jessie (Eve), James (Samson), Squirtle (Blue Baby), and Ash (Isaac) optimized for Afterbirth (@TheHarDeOne)

- Various changes to death screen

- Bombs updated! (@TheHarDeOne)

- Bugs safely brought outside (via napkin)

- v1.2

- Gish is now Swalot

- Clots are now Gulpin

- Hosts are Magcargo

- Duck Stone differentiation disputed

- Minimaps updated

- Hud Bombs updated

- The following three are brought to us by @TheHarDeOne

- Item names updated

- Character Names updated

- Death screen updated

- v1.1

- Charger is now Ekans!

- Eve is now Jesse

- Samson is now James

- Psychic Maw is now Baltoy

- ?Parasect and Paras are now Big Spider and Spider, respectively

- Ragling is now Shiny Joltik

- Red Boom Fly is now a Shiny Venonat

- Koffing has been updated

is it off? I guess the website is down...
What an amazing mod! Combines my two favorite game serieses, Isaac and the good old childhood pokemon games and manages to bring back so many delightful pokemon memories! The Attention to Detail is astonishing!
Maybe a dumb question but does anyone know how to know which rocks are secret in this mod? Or trees I guess.
Now I know this hasn't been updated in more than a year so this probably wont happen but krampus should be sigiliph.
gimmie the rebirth version please :c
Everytime i try to open it it says its invalid please help
it says it is invalid please help me
This is for afterbirth only. If you are using afterbirth check the downloading and installing guide in the help section. If it doesn't work then maybe your computer can't handle this much awesome.
Apparently it also doesn't work on mac so that could also be your issue.
it dont work and i dont have mac and i have afterbirth
hi, with AB+ the mod doesn't start, there is someone who can help me?
it is not for AB+ yet don't try it and uninstall
hmm... do you guys have a rebirth version?
This mod is absolutely great. Got me back into BoI
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!