Viewing Mod
Countdown to afterbirth!
Created 10 years ago
(Start this mod on the 19th!) Basically this is a celebration mod featuring fun runs that add different overpowered items each day. Its like an advent calendar for afterbirth! Starting on the 19th of October, you play as Isaac, then the following days you go around the clock playing the next character each day, and on the twelfth day, afterbirth will be out!

Gives Isaac the knife

Makes Maggy a mutant spider (I'm tempted to give her Chocolate milk. Feedback on this?)

Cain wrecks with brimstone

Judas has sacred heart (Might get Pisces and Choco milk for XXL tears. Like that Idea?)

??? has epic fetus

Eve has Godhead

Samson has soy-milk deaths-touch.

Azazel has orbiting tears

Lazarus has Ipecac

Lost has Dr.Fetus (With buffs, don't worry.)

Basically this is rebirth going out with a bang, And making way for afterbirth to squeeze into the picture!


x 27


- Beefed Isaac up a little ;)

- Gave Maggy Chocolate milk

- Gave Judas Ludovico technique

- Fixed yet more things. (Don't hate this is my first mod.)

- More fixes that I missed, Like Azazel and Lazarus' speed.

- Gave all characters better starting items for diverse runs

- Over all optimization-Gave eve abadon so she has whore active

am i bit late to the party? whatever, in hopes in 2017 edmund gave to us AB++!!!! i hope xD
n the first day of afterbirth, mcmillen gave to me...
in the second day of afterbirth, I download this...
if only we knew the relase of afterbirth plus we could use that
I am Latin and not a lot of English, so I'm translating the translator of google, I already I have the "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" and "AfterBirth" pirate I can not download, I can spend a link or something? please
Yes, you can buy a link for $29.99 US
The big button that says "DOWNLOAD" Right above you, but afterbirth is already out so its a bit late lol
Yea Ive noticed this issue. I have not the slightest idea why. If anyone would kindly lend a hand, I would be ever so grateful.
ive got muscle on my muscle and ill shoot ya with my death's touch. how do yah like meh now m8
Garbage, I don't think the Illuminati approves. no sanic music. 420 blaze everyday. Thank you, crab cake outtie. also no overpowered enough, where are the snipers at? IGN rate 0/10, because of no snoop dog
hey why u h8n m8? fite me. com at meh scrub lord I'm ripped.
I enjoyed the mod, but it is QUITE overpowered. Just note for people who like a challenge this might not be your mod, but a fun mod and a great way to send off before afterbirth.
The point is to be overpowered as a last "Byeya vanilla" Glad you noticed.
Hey guys thanks for liking the mod!
I'm gonna start it on the 18th to be safe
Go right ahead, I can't tell you how to play the game :P
Nice idea, a special treat for Rebirth because it is being replaced by the all powerful Afterbirth, Greed mode here I come!!!!!
Thats what I'm talking about! :P Sups exites for greed mode. And the transformations. Glad you like the mod!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!