Viewing Mod
Dark Room Boss Bar
Changes the boss health bar to look like the Dark Room setting.
Created 10 years ago
Update Note For Future Notice: Once Afterbirth+ comes out, I will be more than happy to make a boss bar for each boss/floor if I can find someone who knows how to work them in.

This mod essentially just turns the boss health bar into a themed bar that resembles the Dark Room.

Hope you like it.


x 94
Stays at 0% forever. cannot download.REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
can you make one that looks like the castle crashers boss icon
how to get it on the top of screen?

I have sort of made a fix that is for Afterbirth, but i cannot get the part that drains to be purple, just red. I am keeping it to myself till otherwise.
Once AfterBirth+ comes out, I would be more than happy to find someone to code in different boss bars and collaborate with them to revamp this with all bosses in mind.
i get some wierd red bar, like if the mod just changed the frame
I wish you could do this so it shows specifically on the lamb fight and do one for every final boss.
That idea is amazing, but it seems like a lot of work
I could do them, but I would need someone who knows how to use LUA once AB+ Comes out. It's fairly simple.
is cool and all but can u redo it and place the boss health below insted of on top ? thank you
is cool and all but can u redo it and place the boss health below insted of on top ? thank you
Doesnt work for me it looks the same as in the picture here but the health part is red and goes out of the border its really annoying
it looks so much better than the original boss bars
I think this mod no longer works in afterbirth

the red part of the boss health bar might be either hardcoded or in an animation file
It's just a GFX. It should still work with AB
Ooo, pretty. It looks really awesome!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!