Viewing Mod
[WIP] Adverzazel [WIP]
Azazel to (Little) Adversary
Created 10 years ago

Turns Azazel into Adverzazel! The Adversary's little brother!

Reskin + Items gives Adverzazel homing Brimstone and Box of Spiders.

-Planned Features-

*Add Boss & Intervention Screens
*Rework some graphics
*Re-balance Reskin + Items option


*Some items may not work with this reskin

*Using Brimstone with this mod will turn the character's head into Adverzazel

*Spoon bender will have an invisible graphical effect when picked up



x 23

- Added Reskin + Items option

- Added character and name graphics

This mod contains:
I'd really like to see him in Afterbirth plus ♥
Awesome! You did a really good job on making it look right. Thank you sir!
make the new brimstone thing character_008_azazelhead and give it 100000000 priority in costumes2.xml and it will override spoonbender and brimstone without completely removing their sprites
The problem with that is putting azazelhead to 100000000 priority also overrides the brimstone animations.
I like the sprite! It's very well done
Fits more as the Dark One. For Adversary, you could give him Brimstone and Spoon Bender :P But that would be too OP.
love the idea! azazel does look like a mini adversary
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!