Viewing Mod
Transdimensional Baby
A new enemy is approaching the basement...
Created 7 months ago


Transdimensional babies are a brand new and quite rare enemy coming to all stages of the game to spice up your gameplay even more. Featuring:

  • A new enemy.
  • A new room for each floor, and a few more for later floors.
  • A handful of new special rooms.
  • Greed mode waves.
  • Very rare easter egg.


Transdimensional babies behave similarly to the other vanilla babies. They teleport around, leaving some static creep, and shoot (infinite range) continuum tears at you.

However, once their health gets low enough, they will spawn three little clones with their health cut in half and with very
similar behaviour. Any one of the main baby's projectiles that goes through the clones, will get duplicated.
(Clone tears do not have infinite range, that's only the host.)

They also have a small chance of outright replacing baby enemies when they spawn.
This chance increases if you have Everything is Terrible 2 unlocked.

But that's not all, once the clones see their master needs help, they'll go into defensive mode and start orbiting them.
And when they die, so does all of their tears.


-Dr. SES: Ideas and commissioner.
-Chug All This: Sprites.
-Thicco Catto: Coding and Room Design.
-Guilherme: Creator of the Illusionist Baby, which inspired this mod.

Are you looking at this mod and sobbing in futile rage at the fact that you can never have a mod this good made for you? FEAR NO MORE! NOW YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!! because funnyman modding enterprises is TAKING COMMISSIONS ############! HIT US UP ON STEAM (please)


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April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!