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Homestuck mod (Part 1)
Adds eight Homestuck characters to the game
Created 10 years ago
I've been busy working on a mod called The Binding of Undertale and haven't had much time to spend on this mod. I may eventually update it but not for quite a while.

This mod is broken down into two parts.
1: Homestuck Characters
2: Homestuck Music

As a whole, this mod adds eight characters from Homestuck (John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Jane, Dirk, Jake and Roxy) and also replaces the entire game soundtrack with songs from the webcomic (Song list can be found in the music folder)

Part 2:

Character starting items:
John: Breath of Life, Lil Casey (Lil Chad retextured)
Rose: Crystal Ball, Whore of Babylon
Dave: Dead Bird, Hourglass, Odd Mushroom (Large)
Jade: Teleport, Compass
Jane: Dad's Key, Wooden Spoon
Dirk: Mom's Knife
Jake: 20/20 (this is an overpowered starting item as is right now so feel free to suggest nerfs)
Roxy: BFF, Serenity/Twinkly Herberts (Smart Fly)


x 130

- Adds Roxy Lalonde and thus completing the the main characters for this mod.

- Adds Jake English

- Minor graphical changes

- Added Dirk Strider

- Gave Jane Dad's Key

- Slight graphic changes. (Thanks to tentaclecuddles for their colored zodiac symbols)

- (there may be a few bugs)

- Added Jane Crocker

- Jade's items nerfed

awh, sad this doesnt work for afterbirth ::::/ still a really cool mod though!!!!!!!!
idk if i did something wrong but when i play as john i dont have casey
sad that it will not be more updates
Maaan it'd be amazing to see this updated to afterbirth Plus and combined with a few other Homestuck mods around, if only I knew how to mod haha
If you want to nerf Jake just a little bit you could change their damage to 3.000, below the standard damage for Isaac by 0.500

Overall, good sprite work and designs
Hello. I would like to ask if i can (with credit to you of course) add on to my afterbirth mod with your sprites for the kids. They will be in their own set, but all in one afterbirth package (alongside my troll roster). If you are ok with this, please let me know. Thank you! If not, it is perfectly ok. I will edit clothes onto the sprites if you agree to this.
Go ahead.
I'd love to see this mod go to use again even though I haven't had time to update it.
someone needs to update this, someone who is really good at mods. I was thinking that in afterbirth+, the different save files could be disc one, two, and the expansion cartridge. if possible, the first disk would have characters from acts 1-4, disc two would be the trolls, and 3 would be post scratch stuff. the seperate disks would have different things for modded stuff as well. for example, in disk two, mega satan would be the black king, in disk 3, he would be lorg english, and in disk 1, he would be one of the jacks maybe? this would take some extreme programming and re-coding of the entire game, but someone HAS to do it someday.
Binding of Undertale is made already :T, but hey, maybe it could still get the seal of approval
I know it's already made. I'm one of the people who made it.
oh ok! :P I didn't know, anyway nice job helping!
Yo, Opscat. Since you aren't going to be updating/porting this to afterbirth, can i do it for you?
Sure. Go for it. Sorry for the late response.
John, Stop messing with the troll who got you killed.
I think Dirk needs to start with the guillotine. Why? Because he god damn lost his head for the second time.
There's no other option. You're going to have to decapitate me.
You should re-skin mom to look like Lord English, like have the foot be a peg n' stuff like that.
Unfortunately, I currently have no plans to update this mod. Or at the very least, until Afterbirth+ comes out so that I will have a lot more freedom with what I add and change.
Dose This mod work for Afterbirth???
I really like this mod. I like how you fitted the characters in the game's art style.
Oh! Maybe you could reskin the skull you get from Death's Touch to look like one of the cherub heads? And you could change the colors of the body from Caffeine Pill too! The closest you can get to a Callie transformation, I guess?
Damn, ok. But thanks anyway. I was searching around for a mod loader, and I did find one of interest, so I will...heart this? XD Thanks for the awesome mod. Seeya!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!