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Buster Bros Mode
a mod that recreates an old game: super buster bros
Created 2 years ago
This mod adds 4 challenge that replicates the buster bros games, you are stuck at the bottom and you can only shoot up. you need to burst all bubbles to progress, you burst bubbles with just one tear, there's also some power ups to help you, the challenges also features the soundtrack from super buster bros from snes, it's exclusive to the challenges.

a video showing easy mode

a video showing panic mode

Your tears can break rocks

The challenges doesn't support coop.

In Easy, Normal and Hard modes you start with 10 extra lifes, each challenge contains 40 levels and you need to burst all bubbles before the timer runs out to pass the level, power ups can't be carried between levels.

In Panic Mode you start with 5 lifes and you will enter survival mode, bubbles will appear from above, you need to burst then to gain level, reach full level 99 and burst the remain bubbles to win the challenge, taking damage on panic mode triggers a necronomicon effect and freezes every bubble for 3 seconds and you can touch the bubbles while they are frozen, and as a option if you want to go infinite panic mode you can press the button that appears next to the trophy.

If you leave the game in Easy, Normal or Hard mode you can continue from the level that you exited the game.

If you leave the game in panic mode you will instantly die if you try to continue that run, this is designed to avoid exploits.

Here's the power ups:

Holy Mantle

Kamikaze (burst all bubbles until only smallest bubbles remains)

Necronomicon (instantly used and removed when you pick it)

Odd Mushroom (tears up version)

Ouija Board

Soy Milk

The Hourglass (freeze all bubbles for 3-7 seconds (it's random), you can touch the bubbles while they are frozen)

Here's the bubbles:

Red: bounces on the ground, the height that it can reach is fixed for each size, splits into 2 smaller versions

Dark Red: bounces on the ground, the height that it can reach depends of where it was spawned, splits into 2 smaller versions, in panic mode when destroyed they freeze all bubbles for 2 seconds, you can touch the bubbles while they are frozen

Blue: bounces around the room going into diagonal directions, smaller blue bubbles moves faster, can go to 4 fixed directions, splits into 2 smaller versions

Dark Blue: bounces around the room going into diagonal directions, smaller blue bubbles moves faster, can go to 8 fixed directions, splits into 2 smaller versions, in panic mode when destroyed they freeze all bubbles for 2 seconds, you can touch the bubbles while they are frozen

Gray: can act as a Red or Blue bubble, what it do on death depends of it's pattern, bouncing on the ground spawns red bubbles, bouncing around the room in diagonal directions spawns blue bubbles, bouncing on the ground and pulsing spawns red and blue bubbles

Darker Gray: Same as Gray version, but spawns only Dark Red and Dark Blue bubbles

Rainbow: bounces on the ground, the height that it can reach depends of where it was spawned, drops a power up when destroyed

Glowing Hourglass/Remote Detonator: Exclusive to Panic Mode, the rarest bubble, bounces on the ground, the height that it can reach is very high, initially appears as the Glowing Hourglass version, when bounces switch to Remote detonator and vice-versa, when destroyed showing a Glowing Hourglass it freezes every bubble for 7 seconds and you can touch the bubbles while they are frozen, when destroyed showing a Remote Detonator it damages every bubble in the screen 5 times



x 2

- improved the physics of red bubbles

- some bug fixes

- improved the physics of red bubbles

- some bug fixes

- fixed infinite panic mode not working

- decreased a lot the lag

- increased the starting extra lifes in easy/medium/hard from 10 to 15

- added a score system to easy/medium/hard challenges, you gain point depending of how fast you finished each stage and for each extra life at the end if you won the challenge

- replaced the method to gain extra lifes in easy/medium/hard, now depends of your score, for each 7k points you will gain an extra life

- the level bar in panic mode is now colored instead of just blue, and it appears a little more to the right

- the screen now stays a little longer black while spawning the bubbles to not show doors being removed anymore or bubbles moving a little

- timer, level hud and life counter in easy/medium/hard are now fully invisible while screen is black

- no gameplay changes

- removed the metadata file to not make the mod delete itself

April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!