Ridiculon Soundtrack (Re-)Replacement
A soundtrack composed entirely of non-Isaac music by Ridiculon

Replaces ALL music (including jingles and track outros) with other, non-Isaac-related music by Ridiculon and their side project Stellwagen Symphonette, which is just Ridiculon's members under a different name. This presents sort of an alternate universe where Ridiculon were still selected to do the Isaac soundtrack, but scored it completely differently.
There is a *lot* of editing that went on here, it's not just slapping in things that are already looped (or declining to loop songs at all). Every song here is sensibly looped, and some songs are even modified from the original to fit better (e.g. Hell Toupé and Track Meat start later in the song, Steak Thru the Heart keeps its stripped-down OST intro, all jingles are very shortened from their original songs.)
Ridiculon tracks can be found on https://ridiculon.bandcamp.com.
Stellwagen Symphonette tracks can mostly be found on https://stellwagensymphonette.bandcamp.com...
...but some are formally unreleased and taken from their song licensing page: https://www.stellsounds.com/license.
No layers included.
Track replacements are:
This mod will have to be updated for Repentance soon, and thankfully I already have some tracks in mind. For now, enjoy!
There is a *lot* of editing that went on here, it's not just slapping in things that are already looped (or declining to loop songs at all). Every song here is sensibly looped, and some songs are even modified from the original to fit better (e.g. Hell Toupé and Track Meat start later in the song, Steak Thru the Heart keeps its stripped-down OST intro, all jingles are very shortened from their original songs.)
Ridiculon tracks can be found on https://ridiculon.bandcamp.com.
Stellwagen Symphonette tracks can mostly be found on https://stellwagensymphonette.bandcamp.com...
...but some are formally unreleased and taken from their song licensing page: https://www.stellsounds.com/license.
No layers included.
Track replacements are:
- Title Screen: Stellwagen Symphonette - Beignet
- Basement: Stellwagen Symphonette - First Flakes
- Cellar: Stellwagen Symphonette - Special Delivery
- Burning Basement: Stellwagen Symphonette - Bloomers
- Caves: Stellwagen Symphonette - Valley
- Catacombs: Stellwagen Symphonette - Bridle
- Flooded Caves: Stellwagen Symphonette - Fir Trapper M.D.
- Depths: Ridiculon - Rivolta
- Necropolis: Ridiculon - THE HOLLOWS - Dante Symphony (Liszt 1857)
- Dank Depths: Stellwagen Symphonette - Fjord
- Womb/Utero: Ridiculon - Flatline
- Scarred Womb: Ridiculon - Death Palace
- Blue Womb: Ridiculon - Steak Thru the Heart (Rapture Light)
- Sheol: Ridiculon - Wagu Finger - Hospital Dark World
- Cathedral: Ridiculon - Meat Continuum (End Light)
- Dark Room: Ridiculon - Shackleton
- Chest: Ridiculon - Tenuous - Tetanus City Light World [in-game version]
- Void: Ridiculon - Out Of Thyme - End Of Time Light World
- Generic boss: Ridiculon - Clutch - Glitch Light World
- Generic boss (alt): Ridiculon - Klatch - Glitch Dark World
- Challenge room: Ridiculon - Jerky - Dr. Fetus Fight
- Mom: Ridiculon - THE FUTURE - Requiem (Verdi 1874)
- Mom's Heart: Ridiculon - Tenderizer - Manic Manipulator Fight
- Hush: Ridiculon - Secret Santana (Hell Light)
- Satan: Ridiculon - Hell Toupé (Hell Dark)
- Isaac: Ridiculon - Meatal Acropolis (End Boss)
- The Lamb: Ridiculon - Track Meat (Dark World Escape)
- ???: Ridiculon - Wurst Case Scenario - God Fetus Boss
- Delirium: Ridiculon - Make No Misteak - End Of Time Dark World
- Ultra Greed: Ridiculon - Tenuous - Tetanus City Light World [OST remix]
- Shop: Stellwagen Symphonette - Scrum
- You Died: Stellwagen Symphonette - Bastille Day
- The Calm: Stellwagen Symphonette - Pitch Black
- Secret room: Ridiculon - Conjugal Visit (Vending Machine Blues)
- Library: Stellwagen Symphonette - Weathervane
- Arcade: Ridiculon - Meat Rainbow - Get on the Dancefloor (Forest Retro)
- Angel Room: Stellwagen Symphonette - Inch by Inch
- Devil Room: Ridiculon - [The End is Nigh caves.ogg ambience]
- Credits: Put Your Hams Together - Credits Roll
- Game start jingle: Ridiculon - Meteorite
- Nightmare jingle: Ridiculon - Meteorite
- Secret room jingle: Ridiculon - Marionette
- Pre-boss jingle: Ridiculon - Contraband
- Death jingle: Ridiculon - Trudger
- Treasure room jingle A: Ridiculon - Glisters
- Treasure room jingle B: Ridiculon - Nightie Night
- Treasure room jingle C: Ridiculon - This Is Not a Party (Game Boy Intro)
- Treasure room jignle D: Ridiculon - Meat the Meatles (Retro Intro)
This mod will have to be updated for Repentance soon, and thankfully I already have some tracks in mind. For now, enjoy!