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Animal Crossing Bunnie V 1.0
"Hare today, gone tomorrow"
Created 5 years ago
Since AC has become really, REALLY popular since new leaf, i decided to make a character form the game and put it on the game.

This is my first attemp to make a mod for the game... or add a character. but anyway Bunnie is a rabbit peppy villager and she made appearence since the original AF.

she starts with one heart and 2 of speed and attack, making the game a little to challenging for the player but if you like challenging stuff, well here! for you

i might make more if other want to... for now here she is!
isnĀ“t she cute?


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April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!