Viewing Mod
Complete Eternal Edition+
This Mod Adds Eternal Monsters and Bosses From Eternal Edition
Created 6 years ago
yeah, yeah, I know that I already uploaded this mod here, but I made a lot of updates on the mod, so, the mod is now much better, so, let's go to the mod:

This mod is a compilation of my following mods:
Bosses Eternal Edition+
Monsters Eternal Edition+
Rebalances Eternal Edition+
Eternal Challenge Room


• The mods listed above are already included here, don't also use them
• Incompatible with HardMode Major Boss Patterns

What's new:

• Click here to view the full documentation of this mod
• New champion variant for all bosses and monsters
• New challenge room variant, haves a chance to be found once per run
• Harder final bosses
• Player damage scaling
• Nerfed some items
• Some changes to a few vanilla enemies
• Less pickup drops after clearing a room


> Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\complete eternal edition+_1545231880
> Open ConfigBadEffects.lua with any text editor
> Change true to false to disable something
> Open ConfigBossesSpawn.lua or ConfigMonstersSpawn.lua with any text editor
> Change the values that you want


x 22


- reworked most of the code to make the mod run smoother

- changed how some monsters works

- added a configuration file, now you can change the eternal monsters and eternal bosses spawn rate

- bug fix in all bosses becoming eternal and eternal duke of flies and eternal husk

- fixed a bug that was making eternal rag mega balls drop hearts when they explode

- reworked the code of this mod

- changed how some eternal enemies works

- new sprites to some eternal enemies

- added a new title screen

- small changes

- some minor changes

- more compatibility with coop, true coop and external item descriptions

- some stuff changed and bug fixes

- some stuff changed

- reworked part of the code to cause less lag

- some stuff changed

- reworked part of the code to cause less lag

- fixed some bugs, some enemies changed

- some enemies changed

- bug fixes

- reworked eternal enemies now interacts correctly with status like confuse or fear

- eternal bosses now has the correct color when they are affected with some status

- decreased the health regeneration of eternal scolex

- increased the health regeneration of eternal pin and eternal frail

- eternal the lamb now uses less his brimstone and ipecac attack

- eternal the lamb is now faster meanwhile he chases the player

- decreased the time that the lamb took to attack again

- now there's a limit of how many eternal sins appears in the room, similar to the limit of eternal monsters

- changed how some eternal enemies spawn to avoid possible incompatibilities with another mods

- changed the pattern of some enemies

- fixed some problems in the mod

- Fixed the boss music in eternal arena being a little loud

- fixed some problems

- some enemies was changed to works better

- added the eternal arena to the mod

- some eternal enemies are now harder

- health regeneration is now bigger in later floors

- changed a little the attacks from eternal isaac and eternal ???

- health regeneration of eternal enemies is now higher on later floors

- changed the function from enemies that throw spiders to work a little better

- eternal ultra greedier now received a small buff

- fixed a problem that was making keys from shop transform into hearts or coins

- eternal the lamb can't damage himself with his own ipecac anymore-more range to eternal psychic maw and psychic horf

- eternal black globin body now throws spiders at the player if he is close to the player

- eternal baby long legs, eternal sack and eternal walking sack now throws extra spiders only in the third floor or after that

- eternal fat bat is now a little harder

- eternal host and eternal walking host now shoots theyr projectiles a little closer to each other

- keys will not be replaced with another pickups if the player has flat penny

- eternal pin and eternal frail took a nerf and now are easier (not much)

- fixed a problem that was making keys from shop transform into hearts or coins

- keys will not be replaced with another pickups if the player has flat penny

- eternal the lamb can't damage himself with his own ipecac anymore

- eternal pin and eternal frail took a nerf and they are now easier (not much)

- more range to eternal psychic maw and psychic horf

- eternal black globin body now throws spiders at the player if he is close to the player

- eternal baby long legs, eternal sack and eternal walking sack now throws extra spiders only in the third floor or after that

- eternal fat bat is now a little harder

- eternal host and eternal walking host now shoots theyr projectiles a little closer to each other

- fixed a problem that was making keys from shop transform into hearts or coins

- keys will not be replaced with another pickups if the player has flat penny

- eternal the lamb can't damage himself with his own ipecac anymore

- eternal pin and eternal frail took a nerf and they are now easier (not much)

- more range to eternal psychic maw and psychic horf

- eternal leech and variants took a nerf

- eternal black globin body now throws spiders at the player if he is close to the player

- eternal baby long legs, eternal sack and eternal walking sack now throws extra spiders only in the third floor or after that

- eternal fat bat is now a little harder

- eternal host and eternal walking host now shoots theyr projectiles a little closer to each other

- fixed a problem that was making keys from shop transform into hearts or coins

- keys will not be replaced with another pickups if the player has flat penny

- eternal the lamb can't damage himself with his own ipecac anymore

- eternal pin and eternal frail took a nerf and they are now easier (not much)

- more range to eternal psychic maw and psychic horf

- eternal black globin body now throws spiders at the player if he is close to the player

- eternal baby long legs, eternal sack and eternal walking sack now throws extra spiders only in the third floor or after that

- eternal fat bat is now a little harder

- eternal host and eternal walking host now shoots theyr projectiles a little closer to each other

- fixed a problem that was making keys from shop transform into hearts or coins

- keys will not be replaced with another pickups if the player has flat penny

- eternal the lamb can't damage himself with his own ipecac anymore

- more range to eternal psychic maw and psychic horf

- eternal black globin body now throws spiders at the player if he is close to the player

- eternal baby long legs, eternal sack and eternal walking sack now throws extra spiders only in the third floor or after that

- eternal fat bat is now a little harder

- eternal host and eternal walking host now shoots theyr projectiles a little closer to each other

- many fix to some problems, some enemies was changed to works better, less lag

- many fix to some problems, some enemies was changed to works better, less lag

- some part of the code was reworked, with that some bugs was fixed and the mod is less laggy

- some bug fixes, some enemies works better

- much things changed to works better

- fixed some bugs

- some enemies was reworked to acts more like the original eternal edition

- much things changed to works better

- fixed some bugs

- some enemies was reworked to acts more like the original eternal edition

- much things changed to works better

- fixed some bugs

- some enemies was reworked to acts more like the original eternal edition

- fixed a bug that was making eternal delirium return to full health randomly

- changed one of the attacks from eternal mega satan

- some bug fixed, changes how some enemies work

- changed how damage limit works

- eternal gemini, steven and blighted ovum are now harder

- changed more stuff on enemies and bosses

- removed a file

this is something i always wanted to be done for the Rebirth sequel, im glad someone put the time into making this very nicely done
well, I put a lot of effort on the mod, was 2 months to create the mod, and more than a year making updates to make the mod looks more like the original eternal edition, and my friend 'Nioffe' helped me with the sprites, actually the mod looks almost completely equal to the original eternal edition
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!