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ANTIBIRTH 100% Save Data
100% Save Data
Created 6 years ago
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x 20
Idk what everyone's talking about, it literally works exactly as described.
aaaand wiped all my saves, no progress and no saves to import because of this, nice
can someone help me. u putted the saves in the folderfor the saves as i saw it on youtube but it doesnt work.

how do i use this?
is this for the ab/ab+ dlcs or rebith?
This is for rebirth,which is mod Antibirth
yeah i was just asking what it was for, and how the hell do i use it
You will receive a file called "persistentgamedata1". It goes into C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/[Your User number]/250900/remote. Here you will find 3 game files which represent you 3 saves. If you want to safe up your first or second save you will have to rename the downloaded file to "persistentgamedata2" or "persistentgamedata3"
If you want to save on 3 save rename the file "persistentgamedata" to "persistentgamedata3"
If you want to put on 2 save rename the file "persistentgamedata" to "persistentgamedata2"
will this actually install specifically Antibirth saves or will i need to backup my AB+ saves
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!