Viewing Mod
OP Special Rooms
All special rooms provide more variety!
Created 7 years ago
Adds 3 extra items to special rooms, two free items in the shop (as well as two golden poops and soul hearts), and every special room has at least 1 free item (including, but not limited to, devil rooms, curse rooms, secret rooms, sacrifice rooms, etc.)
Isaac's room, chest room, dice rooms and the black market were not changed. Only some arcade rooms were effected, so that would explain why one floor would have a good arcade and another won't.

[--The item "More Options" does not work well with this mod, as it will not change anything, and instead will remove all [3] other items once one is picked up.--]

TO INSTALL: Extract the file to Users > (name) > Documents > My Games > Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods.
Run the game, then enable it in the mods section of the main menu.

Also available on the steam workshop!

This mod should work for rebirth/afterbirth, but I haven't tested it.


x 12

- Neither added nor removed anything.

are you gonna update this mod for the new dlc
im sorry to be annoying if i am being but do you know if this is doable for the repentance cuz i really wanna have some fun with the new items
can you please make an option to download the mods as zip, since not all of them are zip?
If you download the mod as .rar, merely change the file type from .rar to .zip and it should work fine. If you'd like to know how, open file explorer>click the "View" tab at the top>check the box beside "File name extensions" to enable it>rename the mod and change the file type.
why are these not downloading as zip files?
i downloaded it and unzipped it in the place and for some reason it doesnt show up in the mods menu in game
More options is meant to put 2 items in a special room, if there are already 4 items in a special room it won't add anything, but will remove the other 3 once one is picked up.
uh nice mod but there's a thing, more options makes it break
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!