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TBOI: Afterbirth + Configuration Tool
An easy way to configure the binding of isaac options.
Created 7 years ago
Using this tool you can:
1) Configure all parameters in options.ini including hidden.
2) Configure congig.ini where you can change some graphics options.
3) Enable/Disable mods and import/export presetted modlists.

Please leave your feedback in the comments.


x 8

- Added a PopUp menu to the Mod List with an "Open in Browser" option.

- Windowed fullscreen start prompt.

- Checking only mods without LUA.

- Bugfixes.

Will this mod be rewrited for Repentance?
That's because a program can't find an Isaac folder. Try to use File -> Set Isaac Folder.
This mod doesn't work. I selected where I've installed Afterbirth+ and option "Start with these options" is gray and blocked. Is this because of Booster Packs or sth like this?
The game won't crash, because this program doesn't do anything with the game or game memory.
oh I guess it will crash it. cuz my computer said "DONT RUN IT"
Is it safe. will the game crash? yes or no.
can be fortunate if some mods crash the game because deleting them takes a lot of time.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!