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Fazzke's Make The Game Slightly Easier
Make the game a little bit easier!
Created 7 years ago

Fazzke's - Slightly Easier Mod - You Can Beat It!

This mod is adding a random start item and chaos to every starting rooms. It don't changes anything else.

->You have probs collecting achivements or items?
->You don't wanna use this mindless overpowered mods?
->You only want to decrease the game difficulty a slightly bit?
->You hate to search the treasure room, before you can reset due to an bad item spawning?

Yeah??? So this may be the right mod for you!

Instructions: Drag the room folder to your /resources folder...only works for Afterbirth!


x 1



April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!