Viewing Mod
Mega Satan Health Bar
Gives Mega Satan a Health Bar
Created 8 years ago
What: Gives Mega Satan a Health Bar
Who: *****
Where: *****
When: 1/19/17
How: Paint, GIMP, XML, Lua
Why: Well, he didn't have one, and now he does!


x 11
can u make a ultra greed heath bar?
Is it possible to make it like all the other health bars? It stands out quite a bit from the rest of the boss health bars, which might make some people annoyed. However, I like it! Cool mod!
Is this for Rebirth, Afterbirth. Or AB+
It should work with all versions boyo
Doesnt Work with AB+ will hang when entering the void portal. No probs if you dont use void portal. Thanks still...
oh well, it was tested in afterbirth
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!