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Less ugly Ouija and Babylon
De-uglifies the two costumes
Created 7 years ago
De-uglifies Ouija Board, Where of Babylon, and Dead Dove. For Ouija/Dove Isaac, I just copy-pasted white Isaac's head onto the graphics and made it transcluent (like a ghost and all). Where of Babylon is just some quick edit I did, it's not fantastic because I'm not an artist :\


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The original babylon actual looks less ugly to me, it just seems much cuter.
Can you remove the "Transcluent" thing?
You can change that in pretty much any photo editor. It's not a coded effect, only a graphic file.
Is it possible to apply one, but not the other?
I would very much prefer to keep the board as it is.
Just delete the images that modify the one you don't want. I didn't include any xml files in this mod, so you can just delete stuff as you please.
like the cosep and i like the idea just dont fell like downloading it
Yeah, like Benimfire said. Not bad at all.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
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