Viewing Mod
Color Stat HUD Icons
Changes found HUD or stat icons to different colors.
Created 8 years ago
Changes found HUD or stat icons to different colors. (icons only)


x 187

- fixed file packing

En la carpeta del Juego donde se encuentra steam
how about you make a mod for afterbirth no +
I followed the steps in adding the mod to the right folder, but all mods still don't work, what am i doing wrong(I'm on mac btw)

u need winrar or something like this

K, so I tried copying the hudstats.png file over to the \ui folder in my BoI directory but the colours are still bland. Do I have to rename the file in any way?
where can I download classic stat hud icons without any added colour?
its under settings in afterbirth plus without mods
Rebirth does not havean integrated HUD, only afterbirth+ has
You'll have to use MissingHUD if you don't have AB+. It's got its own colours and does everything (plus calculate tears fired and shot height) the integrated one does.
я собрал гаппи
This doesn't work for me
Have i to put the gfx folder into resources folder like afterbirth?
OK solved, just didn't activated the hud
Turn on the "Found Hud" in the options
I turned in on and off 999999999999(later)9999999999999 times. Still doesn't work
My first mod downloaded! I'm not quite ready for game-changing content yet, but something like this which is purely a quality of life improvement to make the game easier to play is right up my ally!
I always hated trying to figure out which stat to look at when I glanced at the Found HUD, and this solves that problem!
Thanks a bunch for the nice mod!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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